Video game serie
Notable people involved: Markus Persson 'Notch' and Daniel Rosenfeld
Steve, Alex(view all the 2 "Minecraft" characters)
SWTC 2017-08-22
VITA 2014-10-14
WIIU 2015-12-17
X360 2012-05-09
WIN 2020-05-26
IOS 2019-10-17
ANDR 2019-10-17
SWTC 2020-05-26
PS3 2013-12-17
SWTC 2017-05-11
LIN 2011-11-18
WIN 2015-10-13
Popular tags
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Video game
Block-based, Open world
Games by year
The first Minecraft video game was released on August 16, 2011.
Mojang published most of these games.