

Other (objects, etc.) theme


Notable people involved: Charles William Engel

See also: map generator - a type of map, so it doesn't really influence navigation or how maps work (same amount of information or lack of it can exist with both premade and generated maps).

Games by year

Personal published most of these games.

Most common companies

Child groups

3D mapThe map is shown as a 3D projection, possibly with free roaming camera, allowing better spatial understanding of (multilayered) areas than a 2D map would.1995 / 202046 games
AstronavigationIncludes a somewhat realistic starfield that can be used for navigation, mapping, or time.1981 / 20177 games
AutomapAutomatic world mapping is included, either by default or by some additional in-game device.1979 / 2024492 games
Backtracking deniedFrequently blocks off routes to backtrack, closing doors permanently, dropping you off ledges you can't climb back up, etc. Essentially denying you from retrieving things you didn't get earlier.1992 / 20165 games
BreadcrumbsDisplays or otherwise indicates the route player has taken so far or possibly what's already been explored.2012 / 20162 games
Cardinal & ordinal navigationNavigation is accomplished by following cardinal (and/or their intermediate) directions or similar, not necessarily exact directions and may include non-compass directions such as "up" and "down". Not for fullblown compass-based navigation however.1980 / 2021102 games
CartographyPlayer somehow interactively/manually creates navigation maps by hand in-game, possibly with some minor tools that make it simpler but do not automate it.2007 / 20124 games
CompassPlayer has a device or some interface feature that shows the four cardinal directions or the equivalent.1977 / 2023219 games
Lose MapIt is possible or the game is designed that all or part of your maps or automatic maps can be or will be lost or damaged at some point. Including player purposefully discarding or destroying them.1990 / 20066 games
MapYou have a full map available of the level, area or region in varying detail, possibly with indicator of your own position.1982 / 2024372 games
Map annotationPlayer can add notes on maps for whatever reason, usually to add information that is not present otherwise.1994 / 201737 games
Map deficientEither completely lacks maps or the provided maps are mostly unusable, forcing the player to draw one themselves to avoid getting lost. Mainly for games that are not linear and don't tell where to go.1975 / 201975 games
MinimapA small map shown constantly on screen that shows the whole map or small portion (centered on the protagonist). Often in a corner of the screen, though sometimes overlayed with the main view.1980 / 2023462 games
Navigation by points of interestPlayer navigates the gameworld by targeting points of interest rather than manually controlling the whole movement. This can be long distance POIs or short distance, but only as long as this is true for all of the game and not just overworld or similar.1977 / 201515 games
No GPSPlayer has maps but no immediate way to tell where they're in those, either relying on player's ability to read the map or offering some semi-automatic way of locating themselves there, such as by recognizing landmarks.1999 / 201710 games
NPC directionsPlayer can ask NPCs for directions how to find something, someone or someplace.2001 / 20144 games
Objective indicatorShows where the current objective is located in one way or another.1990 / 2024332 games
RadarPlayer has a radar or similar device, or an unexplained display that mimics it, that gives positional info to player of various objects of interest and possibly friend-or-foe detection. Whether or not it is a literal radar.1973 / 2020415 games
Road signsPlayer encounters usable (as in, useful) road signs or other direction guides.2002 / 202326 games
Route indicatorPlayer is given a full or almost full route to follow rather than some hotspots or the final destination alone, similar to GPS route calculation.2009 / 202033 games
Semi-automatic mapMap is automatically filled in but only when player prompts it, such as activating a sonar mapping tool, entering a cartography mode where the character fills in a handdrawn map, or some other thing.1991 / 20127 games
WaypointsPlayer can set waypoints through which their characters or other units go through in order.1997 / 202370 games