Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
Culture concept
A hodgepodge of various Cool Things in same setting where one would generally not expect to see them together. Essentially a fake crossover.
Notable people involved: David Dienstbier, Andrew Glaister, Scott Herrington, David Perry and Icculus[Ryan C. Gordon]
SMS 1996
PS1 1996
NDS 2009-09-15
GEN 1994-04-26
SNES 1995
GG 1995
DOS 1993
PS1 1997
GBC 2001-06-01
GB 1995-09
WII 2009-05-12
N64 1998-12-01
To qualify for this, make sure the setting has at least 3 of the following: supernatural (e.g. demons, fae, or such), ninjas, pirates, vikings, undead (zombies, vampires, ghosts), robots/cyborgs, aliens or extradimensional beings, mutants
... depending on the included things the required number of elements may rise to 4 (e.g. aliens, robots, and mutants being in same game is hardly thematic breaking); qualifying with unlisted things can be done, though they are lesser examples of this concept.
Undead should not be able to cover both supernatural and undead category alone, even if they cross over in that (vampires and ghosts tend to do this).
The tag name comes from Kingdom of Loathing which seems to have popularized the concept itself somehow.
See also: crossover (when characters or things from separate established settings are thrown together)
... depending on the included things the required number of elements may rise to 4 (e.g. aliens, robots, and mutants being in same game is hardly thematic breaking); qualifying with unlisted things can be done, though they are lesser examples of this concept.
Undead should not be able to cover both supernatural and undead category alone, even if they cross over in that (vampires and ghosts tend to do this).
The tag name comes from Kingdom of Loathing which seems to have popularized the concept itself somehow.
See also: crossover (when characters or things from separate established settings are thrown together)
Popular tags
cartoon comic friendshipbeatdown klaatubaradanikto runandgunParent group
Games by year
The first Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot video game was released in 1993.
Interplay, Warner Bros. Interactive, Ubi Soft and Playmates Interactive Entertainment published most of these games.