
Personal protection

Other (objects, etc.) theme


Any tags describing things the player character can use to protect themselves or are protected with.

Child groups

BlockingPlayer can block attacks, usually with a shield or similar.1993 / 2022174 games
Body armor1980 / 2023433 games
DodgingIncludes movement functionality solely meant for dodging.1978 / 2024433 games
Energy shieldsIncludes energy shields of one sort or another, especially when employed by the protagonist.1973 / 2024229 games
Main-GaucheA dagger like off-hand weapon designed to parry and/or defend though many games have it for attack only. Stouter than a dagger to so as to catch blows1983 / 201310 games
Meat shieldThe player character can use the bodies of other characters - dead or still living - as shields.1981 / 202074 games
ParryingPlayer can parry attacks. Not to be confused with blocking.1990 / 202242 games
Power armorPlayer character wears or can wear a power armor or powered exoskeleton short of piloted robots.1984 / 2023205 games
ShieldsPlayer can wield a shield or other object to manually block incoming attacks.1983 / 2024296 games
TumblingPlayer can tumble, roll head over heels on the ground more or less controllably.1994 / 2019106 games