Procedural content generation

Software concept

Any tags describing various types of algorithmically created content.


Games by year

Badland Studio, Shorebound Studios and Levels or Lives published most of these games.

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Most common companies

This is a container group; its children are:

Fractal GeneratingMakes notable use of fractal generation to create graphics, sound, or the game world (or aspects of it).1985 / 20139 games
Generated charactersPlayer is given a procedurally generated character to play as, possibly a choice between several such. Likely generated each time new game is started or each time such are needed.2012 / 20148 games
Procedural item generatorUses a procedural item generator to create a vast number of "unique" items by combining various traits with base items. Does not necessarily affect appearance of said items.1996 / 2021103 games
Map generatorUses (random) map/level generator to create most or all areas where the player can go to instead of shipping with regular human designed static levels or maps.1975 / 2023766 games
Procedural character appearanceProcedurally generates how (certain) characters (mainly enemies) look like. Does not necessarily affect the stats of said characters.2001 / 20142 games
Procedural NPC generatorProcedurally generates NPCs/enemies, such as what they are capable of and what they look like. (too short)3 games
Procedurally generated storyProcedurally generates the story, such as selecting large number of elements, objects, people, locations, etc. out of a large pool existing things or even procedurally generates those as well.4 games
Procedural texturingUses programmatically generated textures, possibly even generating them on-the-fly. (too short)2006 / 20145 games
Random seedPlayer is asked to provide a seed for the random number generator in some manner. Possibly with the game generating one or more by default as well.2011 / 202318 games
Task generatorPlayer is given randomly generated tasks, quests, missions, etc. to complete. (too short)1994 / 201867 games