Software theme
A game development framework that wraps SDL for Python.
Notable people involved: Paul Paterson, philhassey, Aaron Hachez, tim and DrPetter
LIN 2007-04-22
LIN 2008-11-15
LIN 2006
LIN 2009-04-26
LIN 2007
LIN 2008-04-20
LIN ? *
LIN 2009
LIN 2008-09-14
WIN 2008-04
LIN 2007
LIN 2009-12-11
Popular tags
alteredgenre arm64 armcpu beos deb debian download fallingblocks fixedshooter freebsd gentoo haikuos kde leveleditor logicpuzzle match3 memory minesweeper opengl prototype python pythonlanguage sdl sergeengine sourcecodeavailable tilebased towerdefense ubuntu vorbis widescreen wordgame x86 x86-64Parent group
Games by year
The first pygame video game was released in 2001.
Perpetual Pyramid and Asymptopia Software published most of these games.