Rumiko Takahashi
Cartoon / anime theme
Based on Rumiko Takahashi's movies or mangas.
Notable people involved: Toshiyuki Takatsu, Kubo Hisashi, Shigeki Fujiwara, Shimizu Hajime and Shuki Shimada
PECD 1991-12-06
WTCH 1982
X68K 1988
SNES 1993-10-22
9801 1991
NES 1986-10-23
PS1 2002
WSC 2002-11-16
GB 1992
PECD 1990-12-07
8801 ? *
8801 1986
Popular tags
1on1fighting anime inuyasha maisonikkoku ranma visualnovelParent group
Games by year
The first Rumiko Takahashi video game was released in 1982.
Micro Cabin and Bandai published most of these games.