Might and Magic: Sheltem arc
Video game serie
Set in the worlds of VARN, CRON, Terra and Xeen.
Notable people involved: Jon Van Caneghem, Stephen L. Cox, Mark Caldwell, Avril Harrison and Jeff Griffeath
Sheltem(view all the 1 "Might and Magic: Sheltem arc" characters)
9801 1988
DOS 1988
X68K 1988-10-15
PECD 1992-01-24
MAC 1993
MSX2 1989
SNES 1993
MAC 1990
DOS 1992
9801 1988-12
GEN 1993
SNES 1994-09
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Games by year
The first Might and Magic: Sheltem arc video game was released in 1986.
New World Computing and Starcraft published most of these games.