
Skill-based equipment

Other (objects, etc.) concept


Items, even trivial ones, can't be used unless you meet certain basic and occasionally somewhat arbitrary skill limitations (e.g. need 15 points in electronics skill to use voltage meter).

This covers things requiring a specific skill (e.g. tuba or wind instruments) or a specific skill level (e.g. 72% or 2/5) to use the items.

Best cases are when the items can still be used without the skill, but having the skills provides noticeable improvement in performance (effectively discouraging their use prior but not denying it).

Popular tags

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Parent group

Artificial limitations

Games by year

990001020304050607080910111213141516 41230

The first Skill-based equipment video game was released on August 11, 1999.

Almost Human Games, Night Dive Studios, Ubisoft and gamigo published most of these games.


Internet Only3
Mac OS X2

Most common companies