Activities theme
Player can or must steal items or wealth from someone.
Notable people involved: Rhianna Pratchett, Michael Hoge, Stefan Nyul and Tarn Adams
OSX 2007-12-11
WIN 2007
IIGS 1994
WIN 2014-11-14
PS3 2011-11-11
LIN 2005
WIN 2015-02-03
WIN 2002-11-29
XBOX1 2014-02-25
LIN 2018-03-27
PS4 2018-10-26
XBOX 2002-06-04
Popular tags
backstabbing blocking chemistry cooking corpselooting crafting criminalactivity dashing dodging espionage hiding holstering jumping lockpicking pickpocketing resting riding scavenging shopping sorcery stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stunning summoning swimming trapdisarming trespassing unarmedfighting waiting walkingParent groups
Clandestine, Crimes, Criminal activity, Resource acquisition
Child group
Games by year
The first Stealing video game was released in 1983.
Bethesda Softworks, Deep Silver, Square Enix and Eidos Interactive published most of these games.