Vehicles theme
Player is in control of a submarine, a watercraft capable of submerging and surfacing with relative safety to its crew and cargo.
Notable people involved: Randy Witt, Nobuo Uematsu, Sid Meier, Jesper Kyd and Joshua Jeffe
Alternate name: Submersible watercraft
IIE 1982
FAIR 2023
DOS 1996
C64 1985
PS1 2002-12-18
ST 1990
THMS 1985
DOS 1985
IIE 1983
THMS 1987
DOS 1990
A800 1982
Popular tags
actionadventure aerodyne aeroplane aircushionvehicle airship arenashooter biplane bomberaircraft buggy fighteraircraft fixedshooter fuel gtalike helicopter interactivefiction jeep landvehicle propellerplane scrollingshooter snowboard speedboat submarines submarinesimulator survivalhorror tank tanks train tunnelborer vehicle-pontiacgrandam walker watercraft watercraft-large wheeledvehicleParent group
Child groups
Submarine: Type VII U-boat, Submarine: Type XXI U-boat, Submarine: Type II U-boat, Submarine: Type IX U-boat
Games by year
The first Submarine video game was released on May 1972.
MicroProse, Epyx and Grandslam published most of these games.