Activities theme
Characters can identify and categorize the creatures they encounter. Likely automatic and based on related skills if any.
Notable people involved: Hideaki Itsuno, Masahiro Oki, Shusaku Uchiyama, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and Naoto Oyama
Alternate names: Enemy classification, Creature classification, Monster classification
Name variations: enemy types, creature types, monster types
SWTC 2021-09-23
X360 2013-09-03
OSX 2012-05-15
XBOX1 2014-08
XBOX1 2014-08-26
WIN 2012-05-15
WIN 2001-11-15
PS4 2014-08
WIN 2000-01
WIN 1996-08
WIN 2007-10-26
W31 1995
Generally speaking identifying creatures properly gives you prior idea what they could do, how you could use them and how to better prepare against them.
These usually start from their general appearance, such as "slime", evolve from there to "green slime" (which usually might have corrosive abilities most other slimes don't), which is farther identified to be noxious slime which is known to produce substances that cause nausea upon touch but doesn't have the corrosive properties of the green slime, and so forth. Besides better identifying your opponents, this may give arbitrary attack bonuses against them, widen your choices of extracting various ingredients, hides, teeth, or other elements that taxonomy has given you idea of their actual value.
Does not include gaining an encyclopedia/bestiary article after you defeat a set number of them.
These usually start from their general appearance, such as "slime", evolve from there to "green slime" (which usually might have corrosive abilities most other slimes don't), which is farther identified to be noxious slime which is known to produce substances that cause nausea upon touch but doesn't have the corrosive properties of the green slime, and so forth. Besides better identifying your opponents, this may give arbitrary attack bonuses against them, widen your choices of extracting various ingredients, hides, teeth, or other elements that taxonomy has given you idea of their actual value.
Does not include gaining an encyclopedia/bestiary article after you defeat a set number of them.
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Games by year
The first Taxonomy video game was released in 1975.
Blizzard, Blizzard Entertainment and Capcom published most of these games.