
Software concept

Any tags relating to the viewport (not graphical style).

Alternate name: Projection

This is a container group; its children are:

Desktop resizeAlters desktop resolution when launched (possibly limited to use of fullscreen mode). (too short)2009 / 20132 games
Mixed display resolutionUses or allows using mixed display resolution, commonly with UI at much higher resolution than the game world itself.1983 / 201412 games
Non-scaling graphicsGraphics do not scale with increased resolution. Instead, these likely allow larger view of the playing field.2011 / 20153 games
Pixel doublingOptionally multiplies the size of each individual pixel. An accessibility feature for those whose hardware can't deal with the original resolution or who wants to play windowed and the original resolution is too small to be actually playable.2011 / 201613 games
Static resolutionUses only single resolution and allows no configuration for it. (too short)1995 / 201728 games