Other (objects, etc.) entity
A natural wall of water. Characterized by water continuously falling down a significant distance and in excessive quantities, usually a sign of more exotic locations and often used to hide caves or other things beyond.
Notable people involved: Michael Hoge, Dean Dodrill, Stefan Nyul, Markus Kark and Kai Rosenkranz
WIN 2001-03-15
PS2 2005-03-04
PS4 2016-04-12
PS3 2014-08-12
WIN 2014-08-26
WIN 2016-03-01
VITA 2016-04-12
GB 1993-06-06
WIN 2013-09-26
WIN 2013-05-25
WIN 2003-10-28
VITA 2014-12-17
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The first Waterfalls video game was released on February 21, 1986.
Nintendo, Chucklefish, Activision and Devolver Digital published most of these games.