
Locations theme

This is a guide tag for all weather related things.

See: weather effects and dynamic weather

Weather conditions:
* Rain
* Tornado
* Foggy

This tag should not be used unless the exact nature of the weather is not known (as in, should only be used temporarily).

Parent group

Nature simulation

Games by year

RedWolf Design, and GWE team published most of these games.

Most common companies

This is a container group; its children are:

Dynamic weatherThe game features weather that is inconsistent and can change throughout the course of the game, with no specific narrative purpose.2000 / 2023104 games
Fog (too short)1999 / 201826 games
Heavy weatherPlayer is subjected to heavy weather conditions, such as lightning storms, sandstorms, hailstorms, or other weather phenomena that is severely impactful.2005 / 201916 games
OvercastA weather phenomena where the sky (stars, moon, etc.) is obscured by largely uniform cloud cover. (too short)1999 / 20159 games
RainRain is either a constant or (somewhat) frequent weather condition the player encounters. (too short)1993 / 202385 games
Tornados (too short)1985 / 200323 games
Persistent weatherSome unusual (fog, rain, high wind, storm, etc.) weather phenomena persist far longer than it naturally should or is otherwise somehow ever present.1999 / 20107 games
Weather controlPlayer has some degree of control over the weather. (too short)2011 / 20154 games
Weather effectsWeather plays a role that affects gameplay besides creating mood or limiting visibility. (too short)1977 / 202284 games
WhirlwindsA vortex of wind, likely harmless to humans and similarly large creatures, but may throw about objects and smaller animals.1 game