Windows Media

Software entity

Uses one or more of the proprietary Windows Media Audio/Video formats which may require installation of extra software packages or Windows Media Player itself.


Alternate names: Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio
Name variations: wmf, wmv, wma

Microsoft's proprietary multimedia data encoding and file formats.

Although there's support on Linux for them through FFmpeg, this is not supported by Microsoft. Platform support is therefore officially limited to Windows, Xbox and X360.

Most commonly WMV is used for pre-rendered cinematics, though occasionally one can see music stored in WMA.

On Windows these commonly require a specific version of Windows Media Player to be installed (or newer).

Popular tags

cdrom cpplanguage csharplanguage demo directx9 download drm drm-activation dvd firstpersonshooter fmod hackandslash impulsereactor letterbox lua mtframework netframework openal radialmenu safedisc securom securompa serialkey shadermodel2 shadermodel3 starforce towerdefense toweroffense vorbis winvista winxp x360pad xnaframework

Parent group


Games by year

050607080910111213141516 82460

The first Windows Media video game was released on January 6, 2005.

Capcom and Koei published most of these games.

Related site


Windows 18
X360 1