World domination
Other (objects, etc.) concept
The plot involves someone (protagonist, antagonist, or some third party) trying to take over the world, galaxy, or the whole universe.
Notable people involved: Kaori Tanaka 田中 香 'Soraya Saga 嵯峨 空哉'
WIN 2006-10-06
WIN 2014-05-20
SNES 1994-01
PS1 1999-03-11
WIN 2003-05-19
GBA 2007-02
NDS 2009
PS1 1999-10-05
NES 1991-10-26
PS4 2016-03-22
WIN 2012-04-11
WII 2009
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The first World domination video game was released on October 26, 1991.
Deep Silver, Double Fine, Square and LucasArts published most of these games.