

Altair MITS 8800

Made in USA by MITS in 1975

Released games per year

757677787980818283 842142630
The Altair could be "upgraded" with an 8086 or z80 CPU.

The Altair 680 models are a different architecture for 6800 CPUs. Not compatible with the 8800.

The Altair had no sound hardware at all for most of it's popular life. Not even a speaker, not an audio out. NO SOUND. But you could make sound using an Altair anyhow.
Note this video also demonstrates actual 3-voice sound hardware made for the S-100 bus years after the Altair was released. Later, TRS-80 devs would use the AM radio method to bring sound to TRS-80 model Is.

tech info

memory: 256 bytes RAM
CPU: Intel 8080 2 MHz