Bill Kendrick

from 1982 through 2010 as author and programmer

years active

Games by Bill Kendrick

?-AgendaroidsNew Breed SoftwareZaur
?-Brick OutNew Breed Softwarelin
?-DefendguinNew Breed Softwarebeos
?-ICBM3D/2New Breed Softwarelin
?-ICBM3D/2New Breed Softwarebeos
?-ICBM3D/2New Breed Softwareunix
?-ICBM3D/2New Breed Softwarebsd
?-PDA MazeNew Breed Softwarelin
?-VectoroidsNew Breed SoftwareZaur
?-Virtual KendrickNew Breed Softwarelin
?-Virtual KendrickNew Breed SoftwareZaur
?developerX-BomberNew Breed Softwareunix
?developerX-BomberNew Breed Softwarelin
?multiple rolesXInvaders 3D?beos
1982programmer21 BlackjackAtariServa800
1997developerGem Drop XBegasus, New Breed Softwarelin
1998-XBomberNew Breed Softwarelin
1998original developerXBomberNew Breed Softwarebsd
1999-BoboBotNew Breed Softwarelin
1999-BoboBotNew Breed Softwaresola
1999-BoboBotNew Breed Softwarebsd
1999-BoboBotNew Breed Softwareunix
1999-DefendguinNew Breed Softwarelin
1999developerMad BomberNew Breed Softwarelin
1999original developerMad BomberNew Breed Softwarebeos
2000-Bug SquishNew Breed Softwarelin
2000-Bug SquishNew Breed Softwarebeos
2000-Circus Linux!New Breed Softwarelin
2000multiple rolesXInvaders 3Dauthorbsd
2000multiple rolesXInvaders 3Dauthorlin
2001author3D PongNew Breed Softwareunix
2001author3D PongNew Breed Softwaresola
2001author3D PongNew Breed Softwarebsd
2001-Tux of Math CommandTux4Kids, New Breed Softwarelin
2001-tuxmathNew Breed Softwarebeos
2001author3D PongNew Breed Softwarelin
2001original authorDefendguin?bsd
2001-AgendaroidsNew Breed Softwarelin
2002-VectoroidsNew Breed Softwarelin
2002-VectoroidsNew Breed Softwarebeos
2002-ZSCNew Breed SoftwareZaur
2003-Entombed!New Breed Softwarelin
2003-Entombed!New Breed Software, Begasusbeos
2003-SuperTux: Revenge in RedmondSuperTux Dev Teamlin
2003-SuperTux: Revenge in RedmondSuperTux Dev Teambsd
2005-Teeter TortureNew Breed Softwarelin
2006-Pop StarNew Breed Softwarelin
2007-Circus Linux!Circusbeos
2009-Fight or PerishNew Breed Softwarebeos
2010-Fight or PerishNew Breed Softwarelin

By year

828486889092949698000204060810 123690

Games per platform

  Linux 24
  BeOS 11
  BSD 7
  Zaurus 4
  Unix 4
  Solaris 2
  Atari 400/800 1