Chris Hülsbeck

from 1985 through 1993 as audio engineer, programmer and designer

years active

Games by Chris Hülsbeck

1985musicianBattle Bound Projectshooter Compumaniac64
1987multiple rolesAnticsaction/reflex Time Warp Productionsc64
1987musicianBad Cataction/reflex platformer Rainbow Arts, Epyxc64
1987musicianChip Waraction/reflex Time Warpc64
1987musicJinksaction/reflex Rainbow Arts, U.S. Goldc64
1987musicianThe Baby of Can Guruplatformer Rainbow Artsc64
1987musicThe Great Giana Sistersplatformer Time Warpc64
1988musicDanger Freakaction/reflex Haip Softwarec64
1988musicKatakisshooter Rainbow Artsc64
1988musicR-Typeshooter Rainbow Artsc64
1988musicRealm of the Trollsmaze platformer Rainbow Arts, U.S. Goldc64
1989musicCircus Attractionsaction/reflex Golden Goblinsc64
1989musicianRock 'n Rollaction/reflex maze puzzle Rainbow Artsocs
1990sound effectsDeath Trapbeat 'em up platformer Ancoocs
1990-M.U.D.S.: Mean Ugly Dirty Sportsport Golden Goblinsocs
1990musicianThe Secret of Monkey Islandadventure Lucasfilm Gamesocs
1990musicTurricanplatformer shooter Rainbow Artsc64
1990musicTurricanplatformer shooter Factor 5ocs
1990musicianX-Outshooter Rainbow Artsocs
1990musicZ-Outshooter Advantecocs
1991music and sfxTurrican II: The Final Fightplatformer shooter Factor 5ocs
1992multiple rolesApidyashooter Kaikoocs
1992musicB.C. Kidplatformer Factor 5ocs
1992musicianBugbombermaze Kingsoftc64
1992musicHexuma: Das Auge des Kaladventure Weltenschmiedeocs
1993musicTurrican 3platformer shooter Factor 5ocs

By year

858687888990919293 82460

Games per platform

  C64 14
  Amiga 12