
Reviews on Ultra Player


issue 38

average score
gameplatformreview dateoriginal scorescore %  
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the FlameSuper Nintendo1996-115/683%
The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the SunSuper Nintendo1996-115/683%
Crash BandicootPlayStation1996-116/6100%
Tomb RaiderSaturn1996-116/6100%
Tomb RaiderPlayStation1996-116/6100%
Virtua Fighter KidsSaturn1996-115/683%
Tekken 2PlayStation1996-116/6100%
Burning RoadPlayStation1996-115/683%
Chaos ControlSaturn1996-110/60%
IncantationSuper Nintendo1996-112/633%
Jumping Flash! 2PlayStation1996-114/666%
Keio Flying Squadron 2Saturn1996-114/666%
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2PlayStation1996-115/683%
OscarSuper Nintendo1996-110/60%
PocahontasGame Boy1996-110/60%
RealmSuper Nintendo1996-112/633%
Sea Bass FishingSaturn1996-115/683%
Skeleton WarriorsSaturn1996-112/633%
Street RacerPlayStation1996-114/666%
WhizzSuper Nintendo1996-112/633%
WormsSuper Nintendo1996-115/683%
Donkey Kong Land 2Game Boy1996-116/6100%
issues index
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39