Génération 4 (083-138) issue 97

reviewed gameplatformreview dateoriginal scorescoreoriginal review 
Chessmaster 5000Windows1997-034/666%
Conquest Of The New World: Deluxe EditionWindows1997-033/650%
Dragon Lore II: The Heart of the Dragon ManMS-DOS1997-032/633%
Dragon Lore II: The Heart of the Dragon ManWindows1997-032/633%
Harpoon Classic '97Windows1997-034/666%
Magic: The Gathering - BattleMageWindows1997-033/650%
POD - Planet of DeathWindows1997-035/683%
Slamtilt PinballWindows1997-031/616%
Steel Panthers II: Modern BattlesMS-DOS1997-032/633%
Test Drive Off RoadMS-DOS1997-033/650%
The City of Lost ChildrenWindows1997-034/666%
Theme HospitalWindows1997-035/683%