InuYasha characters list

These are the characters related to "InuYasha ". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Inuyashademon male16
Kagomehumanoid femaleModern day school girl and reincarnation of Kikyo, the shrine maiden. The main protagonist of the series.7
Kagurademon female1
Kikyoundead femaleA "ghost" of a shrine maiden. InuYasha's love interest when she was still alive, and apparently even beyond her death.0
Kogahumanoid male1
Mirokuhumanoid male2
Narakudemon maleMain antagonist of the series. Formerly a human.0
Sangohumanoid female2
Sesshomarudemon maleInuyasha brother.2
Shippodemon male0
any  females  males