
Game genre theme

Informal group for finding platformer sub-genres.


Parent groups

Action, Main game types

Games by year

The first Platformer video game was released in 1981.

Sega, Gremlin Graphics and Capcom published most of these games.

Most common companies

This is a container group; its children are:

Action RunnerA genre similar to Endless Runners but rather is split into (presumably handmade instead of randomly generated) levels with specific challenges and with an actual end somewhere along the line.1988 / 202113 games
Cinematic platformerDistinct from typical platform games in that they focus on fluid, life-like movements, without the exaggerated physics found in other platform games.1989 / 2018113 games
Comical ActionAn action/platformer genre characterized by single-screen levels (limited scrolling) and cooperative 2-player action. A level is usually cleared when all enemies on the screen have been defeated (who usually drop random score bonus items).1983 / 202079 games
Donkey Kong-likeAnything that replicates the basic gameplay introduced in the original "Donkey Kong" arcade game. (too short)1981 / 201686 games
Endless RunnerAn auto-scrolling platformer characterized by simple controls - usually just one or two buttons - and randomly generated levels.1983 / 201853 games
Hop and bopA platformer genre characterized by jumping on the heads of your enemies being the primary (and possibly the only) method of disposing of them.1984 / 2022162 games
MetroidvaniaExplorable platformer. Action-adventure or action-platformer sub-genre with a lot of backtracking, a superficial sense of exploration to find locations to which you later gain access to via new abilities, tools, or such.1983 / 2024396 games
Panic-likeAnything that replicates the basic gameplay introduced in Space Panic, that is a platforms with ladders, limited oxygen and the ability to create holes in platforms to trap pursuing enemies.1980 / 2020120 games
Platform HellA variety of platformers that are utterly unfair, requiring memorizing every little detail of the game to beat them as anything you see or don't see can't be trusted to be what they appear or don't appear to be.2008 / 20114 games
Precision platformerA platformer genre where the focus is extreme precision in movement, either player fails competely (needs to restart the level/game) from tiniest failings, get horrible score for it, or such.1984 / 202130 games
Puzzle platformerPuzzle platformers are characterized by their use of a platform game structure to drive a game whose challenge is derived primarily from puzzles.1983 / 2023204 games
Turn-based platformerA platformer sub-genre where the platforming activity runs in turns rather than real-time. (too short)2013 / 20153 games
Vertical platformerA platforming sub-genre where player traverses mainly vertically up or down, often scaling a tower or similar.1982 / 201477 games