
Other (objects, etc.) concept

Simulates multiple disparate ecosystems to a degree.


Alternate name: Biomes

Generally this refers to certain plants/animals living only in certain types of climates and/or geographic locations with existence outside of them being minimal or completely lacking (e.g. no bunnies in deserts, camels in tropical rainforests, palm trees in tundra, etc.).

Mostly of interest for games that have map generators rather than those with pre-defined maps/levels, though others can be included if the ecosystems can be altered and/or moved.
See also living ecosystem for cases when the internals of the ecosystems are simulated.

Popular tags

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Games by year

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The first Ecosystems video game was released on May 16, 2011.

Mojang and Ludeon Studios published most of these games.


Windows 6
Linux 6
Mac OS X 3
Android 1
iOS 1
X360 1