Explore Engine

Software entity

Joseph Peterson & De Crandell's BASIC engine for the TRS-80 computer. A generic way to create adventure games inspired by Colossal Cave Adventure.

Written in 1982 by Joseph Peterson and De Crandell. It ran adventures in the Explore Language which was stored in ordinary text files. Later versions of the engine's source code were written in C, Java, Flash, Python, and Ruby. Peterson prefers the Python version. The engine itself was only about 300 lines of code (approx 15kb). The Explore Language that stored the data and interactions for the games were considerably larger.

Popular tags

basic explorelang

Parent groups

BASIC programming language, C programming language, Flash, Game engines, Java platfom, Proprietary license, Ruby language

Games by year

The first Explore Engine video game was released in 1982.

Peterson Computer Services published all these games.


TRS-80 5

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