Joke items

Other (objects, etc.) entity

Items that are completely useless or do something bizarre even for the mythos. Commonly treated as non-canon, easter eggs, or similar. Some may simply be references to other works of fiction.

Some may be quite literal joke items, such as appearing extremely important so players will keep them around in hopes of using them, but such use never comes. Or the other kind of literal joke item that are used to perform practical jokes on people but have insignificant or absurd effects.

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Games by year

858789919395979901030507091113151719 123690

The first Joke items video game was released in 1985.

Nicalis, Capcom and THQ published most of these games.


Windows 11
Linux 10
Mac OS X 4
X360 4
PS3 4
Wii 2
BeOS 2
Mac OS Classic 2
NeXT 2
Unix 2
Switch 1
GP2X 1
OS/2 1
3DS 1
Android 1
GamePark 32 1
GameCube 1
Solaris 1
PS2 1

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