Static pixel scale

Software concept

Changing display resolution does not alter pixel scale of displayed elements, so a 10 pixels tall character will be 10 pixels tall on 320×240 resolution as much as in 1920×1080 resolution.

See also: static resolution
Contrast: pixel multiplication

This has 2 effects:
1) Actual displayed area increases with higher resolutions.
2) Things don't become "bigger" (more readable or easier to see) on larger resolutions but rather on smaller ones (if the smaller resolution is stretched to display).

Requires resolution changes to be possible or else it belongs to static resolution tag or something else.

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Games by year

9900010203040506070809101112131415 41230

The first Static pixel scale video game was released on October 25, 1999.

SMP published all these games.


Windows 6
Linux 3
Mac OS Classic 1
Mac OS X 1

Most common companies