
Software entity

Made with and powered by any version of GameMaker from YoYo Games.


Alternate names: GameMaker: Studio, Animo
Name variations: GM Studio, Game Maker, Game Maker Studio

Cross-platform support:
* Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
* Ubuntu Linux 12.10 Quantal Quetzal and newer
* Android 2.2 and newer
* Mac OS X 10.6 and newer
* iOS 4.3 and newer
* Windows Phone 8
* PlayStation Portable (discontinued due to licensing agreement crap)

Popular tags

actionadventure actionrpg clickadventure color-8bit demo download explorationgame gamepad hackandslash keyboard lutris macos7 mapgenerator metroidvania mouse nodrm openal opengl osclassic pixeldoubling roguelite rpgmaker runandgun sandbox sdl singlecontroller singlefile stealthgame tactical tilebased tooltips ubuntu vorbis

Parent groups

Game engines, Game makers, Proprietary license

Games by year

98000204060810121416182022 24612180 ABC
A2011 - GameMaker 8.1 released
B2012 - GameMaker: Studio released
C2014 - GameMaker: Studio free edition released

The first GameMaker video game was released on December 1998.

Devolver Digital, Brainstorm Software and Locomalito published most of these games.

Related site


Linux 69
Windows 44
Mac OS Classic 11
Mac OS X 10
PS Vita 4
PS4 2
Amiga 1

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