Bad Hotel

created and published by Lucky Frame in 2013-10-16, running on Windows
type: action/reflex
perspective: side view
languages: eng
STEAM Powered

Personal review

Siendo tu objetivo evitar que tiren tu alocado hotel abajo, tendrás que usar los distintos tipos de módulos para defenderte de todo tipo de ataques al edificio, siempre con un ojo en los enemigos y otro en el dinero que tienes para construir.

A pesar de sus enormes diferencias, recuerda al Plants vs. Zombies.
Un gran acierto es la posibilidad de jugar a cualquiera de los niveles del juego sin forzarte a finalizar los anteriores, algo muy adecuado si usas varios dispositivos y no quieres andar pasando archivos de salvado.

6 de 10

# 2014-07-16 11:42:01

Official description

Bad Hotel is an insane hybrid of a tower defense game and a procedural music toy, with beautiful art and tons of bullets. You are a budding entrepreneur, whose hotel is rather unfortunately located within the territory of Tarnation Tadstock, the Texas Tyrant. Your only defense against Tadstock’s army of seagulls, rats, yetis, and more is to build your hotel as quickly and intelligently as possible, using an array of increasingly sophisticated weapons. The beautiful artwork, quirky storyline, and frantic gameplay all work seamlessly together with a generative music system, which creates original music depending on the player’s actions and decisions. The player becomes a composer, creating complex musical structures to defend their hotel. A vast variety of music can be generated, from delicate beach chillout to country banjo techno.

# 2013-12-28 14:56:24 - official description

Technical specs

display: raster


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