Neighbours from Hell 2: On Vacation

a.k.a. Un vecino infernal 2: De vacaciones

published by JoWood Productions / Cinemaware / Nordic Games in 2006-05-07, developed by JoWood Productions, running on Windows
type: rhythm, puzzle
genre: Cartoon, Humorous
perspective: side view
player options: single player
languages: chi eng fre ger ita pol rus spa other
STEAM Powered

Personal review

Aunque el planteamiento sigue siendo tan entretenido como el anterior, la decisión de moverse por el globo no es muy acertada, ya que carece de la evolución y el aprendizaje de las diversas trampas y los escondites del 1er título, que permitían que el juego se convirtiera gradualmente más complejo.

Este, sin embargo, se presenta como una sucesión de pintorescas localizaciones, desarrollando en cada una apenas 3 misiones, antes de cambiarte de escenario y volver a empezar de 0. Las nuevas bromas y su variedad no compensan una curva de dificultad tan injusta y oscilante. Y eso que la madre de tu vecino es un plus.

6 de 10

# 2015-01-08 18:14:41

Official description

The reality TV show of neighbourly nastiness and community commotion moves on to the next round.

The Neighbour from Hell wants to enjoy an undeserved holiday – reason enough for Woody and the camera team to sneak along onto the cruise liner to make the nasty neighbour's holiday a living hell. This time, the neighbour's mum has joined him, and she is taking good care of her baby.

Get the Neighbour from Hell into his mum's and fellow travellers' bad books, play tricks on him and give free reign to your vengeance.

Steam Store - # 2015-01-08 18:06:37 - official description - source


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