Custom Mate 3

created and published by Fairytale / Ides in 1997, running on Windows
type: simulation, strategy
genre: Erotic, Manga
player options: single player
languages: jpn

Comments (2)

During Christmas Eve, a guy walks lonely in the streets. He is given an ad that led him to a shop called Custom Mate. There, he is told to pick a girl that he likes. He can determine her hair length, sizes, personality, and even experience.
After that, they are married. Thus start their new life together. He has to work and deal with life's problems, like boss, co-workers and temptations.
This game is a break from those 10 or 20 girl chasing games, where you stick with your wife and try to avoid 5 or so side girls.

# 2005-11-05 21:42:01
One night going home, you see a place called Custom Mate. Wondering what the store is, you walk in. In front of you appears this girl. You soon find out that this store is just like the name "custom mate". You can customize your mate. You choose what kind of girl you like: her hairstyle, her figure and even her "experience". You and your mate gets married and thus starts your life being married…

# 2005-11-05 21:42:01

Technical specs

display: raster

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