Fire Drill

published by Rapture Technologies in 2001, running on Windows
type: shooter, maze


Help put out all of those office "fires". A fire has started in you office and it's up to you to put it out before it gets out of control! Grab your extinguisher and blast all the fires that you can find. Hurry before the whole office goes up in smoke.

This top-down, scrolling shooter depicts the floor layout of an office building, complete with cubicles, desks, file cabinets, water coolers, etc. Several objects are already on fire at the start of each level. If you don’t extinguish the fire quick enough, it will become a raging inferno. At this stage, the object on fire will start to release fireballs into the office. The level is complete when all the fires and fireballs have been extinguished.

# 2003-03-17 19:29:05

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