showing 20 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame typeplatform
A Year at Pooh Corner (Une Année en Compagnie de Winnie L'Ourson;Ein Jahr in Winnie Puuhs Leben;Un Ano en la Equina de Pooh;Un Anno con Winny Puh) Sega;Majseco (Novotrade)1994action/reflex edutainment Picolabelimageminimize
Disney's Winnie The Pooh: Kindergarten BAM! Entertainment2002edutainment PSminimizeimagesubject
Disney's Winnie the Pooh: Preschool BAM! Entertainment2002edutainment PSminimizeimagesubject
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1985adventure Cartoon C64labelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1985adventure Cartoon Atari STlabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1984adventure Cartoon Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1986adventure Cartoon Amigalabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1987adventure Cartoon Tandy Cocolabelminimizeminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1985adventure Cartoon MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh: Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood (Disney's Winnie the Pooh: Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood) NewKidCo;Tomy Corporation;Disney Interactive (NewKidCo;Tose)2000adventure Fantasy Cartoon GBClabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh: Home Run Derb Disney Interactive2007Flashlabelminimizeminimize
Winnie the Pooh: The Honey Hunt (Winnie l'Ourson: La Chasse au Miel de Winnie;Winnie the Pooh: En Busca de la Miel) Vtech;Disney Interactive;Buena Vista Games?edutainment V.Smilelabelimagesubject
Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt (Disney Presents Tigger's Honey Hunt;Tigger's Honey Hunt) New Kid (Doki Denki Studio)2000adventure Cartoon N64labelimagesubject
Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt (Disney Winnie l'Ourson: La Chasse au Miel de Tigrou) NewKidCo (Doki Denki Studio)2000platformer PSlabelimagesubject
Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt (Disney Winnie l'Ourson: La Chasse au Miel de Tigrou) Disney Interactive Studios (Doki Denki Studio)2000platformer Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure Ubisoft (Phoenix Studio)2005platformer GameCubelabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure Ubisoft;Disney Interactive (Phoenix Interactive)2005adventure GBAlabelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure (Winnie l'Ourson à la Recherche des Souvenirs Oubliés) Ubisoft (Phoenix Game Studios)2005platformer PS2labelminimizeminimize
Winnie the Witch Tivola1996adventure Cartoon Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Winnie Witch's Superbroom (Winnie the Witch) Solar Software1986shooter C16/Plus4labelimageminimize