showing 5 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
4 in 1 Funpak  Imagineer;Interplay Entertainment (Beam Software;Spinnaker Software)1992Four classic games in 0ne! Now you can have four of the most popular board games of all time for your Game Boy...all together in one fun-filled package! Features Sargon Chess Reversi Backgammon and Checkers.***
One player or two player link versions of Chess, Checkers, Backgammon and Reversi.
Nine Princes In Amber Telarium;Spinnaker Software (Telarium)1985 C64labelimageminimize
Sargon III Hayden Software;Spinnaker Software;Logotron1988 Amigalabelimageminimize
Scarabaeus  Ariolasoft;Spinnaker Software (Andromeda Software)1985 C64labelimageminimize
Snooper Troops: Case #2 - The Case of the Disappearing Dolphin  Spinnaker Software;Ediciel (Computer Learning Connection)1982 Apple II Elabelimageminimize