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name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplayer optsplatform
Attack on Titan Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2016PS4labelimagesubject
Attack on Titan Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2016Xbox Onelabelimagesubject
Attack on Titan  Tecmo Koei (Omega Force)2016PS Vitalabelimagesubject
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2016PS4labelimagesubject
Bladestorm: Nightmare Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2015single playerPS4labelimagesubject
Bladestorm: Nightmare Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2015single playerWindowslabelimageminimize
Bladestorm: Nightmare Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2015single playerXbox Onelabelimagesubject
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War  Koei (Omega Force)2007single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War  Koei (Omega Force)2007single playerX360labelimageminimize
Destrega Koei (Omega Force)1998single playerPSlabelimagesubject
Dragon Quest Heroes I-II Square Enix (Omega Force)2017Switchlabelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors  Koei (Omega Force)2004single playerPSPlabelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 2  Koei (Omega Force)2000PS2labelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 3  Koei (Omega Force)2001single playerPS2labelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 4 KOEI (Omega Force)2003Xboxlabelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 5 KOEI (Omega Force)2005Xboxminimizeimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires  Omega Force2006single playerX360labelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 6  Koei (Omega Force;Koei)2008single playerPS2labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 6  Koei (Omega Force;Koei)2008single playerWindowslabelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 6  Koei (Omega Force;Koei)2007single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 6  Koei (Omega Force;Koei)2007single playerX360labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires Koei (Omega Force)2009PS3minimizeimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires Koei (Omega Force)2009X360minimizeimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 7 Koei Tecmo Games (Omega Force)2011single playerX360labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 7  Koei Tecmo Games (Omega Force)2011single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires KOEI (Omega Force)2013PS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires Tecmo Koei (Omega Force)2015PS4labelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires Koei Tecmo (Omega Force)2014Xbox Onelabelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition  Tecmo Koei (Omega Force)2013PS4labelimagesubject
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition  Tecmo Koei (Omega Force)2013PS Vitalabelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors 9 Koei Tecmo Games (Omega Force)2018PS4minimizeminimizesubject
Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2  Koei (Omega Force)2006single playerPSPlabelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers Koei Tecmo Games (Omega Force)2017PS4labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam  Koei;Namco Bandai Games;Namco Bandai Games America (Koei;Omega Force)2007single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam  Koei;Namco Bandai Games;Namco Bandai Games America (Koei;Omega Force)2007single playerX360labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2  Koei;Namco Bandai Games;Namco Bandai Games America (Omega Force)2008single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2  Koei;Namco Bandai Games;Namco Bandai Games America (Omega Force)2008single playerX360labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2  Namco Bandai Games America;Namco Bandai Games (Omega Force)2008single playerPS2labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3  Koei;Namco Bandai Games;Namco Bandai Games America (Omega Force)2011single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce KOEI (Omega Force)2009single playerPSPlabelimageminimize
Fire Emblem Warriors Tecmo Koei (Omega Force;Team Ninja)2017Switchlabelimagesubject
Fire Emblem Warriors Nintendo;Koei Tecmo Games (Omega Force)20173DSlabelimagesubject
Hyrule Warriors  Koei Tecmo;Nintendo (Omega Force;Team Ninja)2014single playerWii Ulabelimageminimize
Hyrule Warriors Legends Tecmo Koei (Omega Force)2016single player3DSlabelimagesubject
Musou Orochi: Maō Sairin  Koei (Omega Force)2008single playerPS2labelimageminimize
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Bandai Namco Games America (Omega Force)2015PS3labelimagesubject
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3  Namco Bandai Games (Omega Force)2015PS Vitalabelimageminimize
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3  Namco Bandai Games;Koei (Omega Force)2015Windowslabelimageminimize
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Bandai Namco Games (Omega Force)2020PS4labelminimizesubject
Samurai Warriors - State of War Koei (Omega Force)2005single playerPSPlabelimageminimize
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