showing 15 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearauthor(s)platform
Dinotopia Turner Interactive (The Dreamers Guild)1995 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
EbonStar MicroIllusions (The Dreamers Guild)1988 Amigaminimizeimageminimize
Empire Deluxe New World Computing;White Wolf Productions (New World Computing;The Dreamers Guild)1993 Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Faery Tale Adventure: Book II: The Halls of The Dead  Encore (The Dreamers Guild)1997 Windowsminimizeimageminimize
I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream  Cyberdreams;Acclaim Entertainment (The Dreamers Guild)1995Adam Ryan (playtester)
Adiayl Labinah (voice)
Allison Hershey (art director)
and I Must Scream/design/dialog/game story)
Andrew Balzer (marketing)
Andrew Balzer (sales)
Anita Ziobro (additional art)
Anton Latreque (voice)
Anton Latreque (voice)
Anton Latreque (voice)
April Lee (additional art)
Bradley W. Schenck (production design)
Bradley W. Schenck (background art)
Bright & Associates (package design)
Buck Ford (voice)
Buck Ford (voice)
Cheshire Multimedia Sound (voice digitizing)
Cheshire Multimedia Sound (voice recording)
Christoph Klug 'Chris Klug' (lead tester)
Christoph Klug 'Chris Klug' (playtester)
Cyberdreams (production company)
Cyberdreams (distributor)
Daniel Lee (tester)
Daniel Pelli (marketing)
Daniel Pelli (sales)
David B. Schultz (music producer)
David B. Schultz (music arrangement)
David Mullich (director)
David Mullich (design)
David Mullich (dialog)
David Mullich (game story)
David Mullich (producer)
David Sears (design)
David Sears (dialog)
David Sears (game story)
DBS Music (music arrangement)
DBS Music (music production)
Diane Cooper (character animator)
Diane Cooper (character animation)
Edward Sayers (voice)
Edward Sayers (voice)
Edward Sayers (voice)
Erick Haugen (additional script)
Erik Bethke (additional script)
Frederick Reynolds (voice)
Glenn Price (assistant art director)
Glenn Price (background art)
Glenn Price (background art)
Harlan Ellison (voice)
Harlan Ellison (writing short story)
Jack Russell (scriptor)
James Phillipsen (sound effects)
Jani Peltonen (technical review board)
Jhoneil Centeno (assistant art director)
Jhoneil Centeno (character animation)
Jhoneil Centeno (character animator)
John Bolton (programmer)
John Bolton (scriptor)
John Bolton (technical director)
John G. Fair (quality assurance manager)
John Goodner (additional art)
John Ottman (original music composer)
Jonathon Ficcadenti (voice)
Jonathon Ficcadenti (voice)
Julio Jeinson (voice)
Julio Jeinson (voice)
Lawrence Schwedler (sound effects)
Lisa Ienacco (additional art)
Lisa Iennaco (additional art)
Lisa Wasserman (voice-over director)
Loudmouth (instrument bank provided by)
Mark Harwood (playtester)
Melina Van Houk (voice)
Melina Van Houk (voice)
MGM Interactive [USA] (distributor)
MGM Interactive [USA] (marketing)
MGM Interactive [USA] (sales)
Michael G. Buscher (technical review board)
Michael G. Buscher (production)
Michael G. Buscher (documentation)
Mike Tudorovich (additional programmer)
Natasha Konduros (voice)
Natasha Konduros (voice)
Nathan Simpson (additional art)
Norman Hicks (voice)
Norman Hicks (voice)
Norman Hicks (voice)
Patrick Ketchum (executive producer)
Paul Licari (executive producer)
Peter Delgado (art director)
Philip James (voice)
Philip James (voice)
Ralph Navarro (character animator)
Ralph Navarro (character animation)
Robert Miles (background art)
Robert Wiggens (line producer)
Robert Wiggens (producer)
Samuel Fenn (voice)
Samuel Fenn (voice)
Samuel Fenn (voice)
Sharon McIntyre (scriptor)
Skip Towne (voice)
Skip Towne (voice)
Skip Towne (voice)
Steve Nazar (character animator)
Steve Nazar (character animation)
Steve Savage (voice)
Steve Savage (voice)
Steve Savage (voice)
Steven McNally (scriptor)
Ted Gruber Software (game engine)
The Dreamers Guild (production company)
Tom Myers (voice)
Tom Myers (voice)
Valinda Barrett (voice)
Valinda Barrett (voice)
Valinda Barrett (voice)
Vernon Edwards (voice)
Vincent C. Murovich III (voice)
Virtual Casting (voice casting)
Virtual Casting (voice direction)
Virtual Images Unlimited (3-d mouse pad)
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb New World Computing;Wyrmkeep Entertainment (The Dreamers Guild)1994 Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb New World Computing;Wyrmkeep Entertainment (The Dreamers Guild)1994 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb  Starcraft (The Dreamers Guild)1995 NEC PC9801labelimageminimize
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb  iPhSoft (The Dreamers Guild)2009 iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb  Wyrmkeep Entertainment (The Dreamers Guild)2007 WinCElabelminimizeminimize
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb  New World Computing (The Dreamers Guild)1994 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
PGA Tour Golf Electronic Arts (The Dreamers Guild)1991 Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Robosport Ocean;Maxis (The Dreamers Guild)1992David Joiner
Ed Murphy
Joe Pearce
Lynn Kirkpatrick
Richard Payne
Steve Hales
Suzanne Hughes
The Jetsons: George Jetson and the Legend of Robotopia MicroIllusions (The Dreamers Guild)1989 Amigalabelimageminimize
The Labyrinth of Time Terra Nova Development (The Dreamers Guild)1993Bradley W. Schenck
Joe Pearce (mac port)
Michal Todorovic
Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize