showing 20 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Austin Powers: Oh, Behave! Tarantula Studios2000 austinpowers consoleclassix movie rating-esrb-t GBClabelimageminimize
Austin Powers: Welcome to My Underground Lair Rockstar Games (Tarantula Studios)2000 austinpowers consoleclassix movie rating-esrb-t GBClabelimageminimize
Cool Hand Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1998 blackjack21 cribbage solitaire GBlabelimageminimize
Evel Knievel Rockstar (Tarantula Studios)1999 gameboycompatible motorcycle noconsoleclassix savepassword GBClabelimageminimize
Formula One 2000 Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2000 formula1 motorsport noconsoleclassix racinggame GBClabelimageminimize
Grand Theft Auto  Rockstar Games (Tarantula Studios)1999 1990s 20thcentury consoleclassix driving gta gtalike hijacking nonlinear openworld optionaltasks traffic walking GBClabelimageminimize
Grand Theft Auto 2  Rockstar Games;Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2000 2010s 21stcentury consoleclassix driving future gta gtalike hijacking nonlinear openworld optionaltasks traffic walking GBClabelimageminimize
Hidden & Dangerous  Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2001 firstpersonshooter tactical PSlabelimageminimize
Hollywood Pinball Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1999 gameboycompatible noconsoleclassix pinball GBClabelimageminimize
Jim Henson's The Muppets Rockstar Games;Take-Two Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2000 consoleclassix puppets rating-esrb-e themuppets uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein GBClabelimageminimize
KISS Pinball Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2001 musicband pinball Windowslabelminimizesubject
KISS Pinball Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2001 musicband pinball PSlabelimagesubject
Las Vegas Cool Hand  Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1998 blackjack21 consoleclassix cribbage solitaire GBClabelimagesubject
Lemmings Revolution Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)2000 crabs directx7 lemmings pseudo3d traps Windowslabelimageminimize
Montezuma's Return Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios;Utopia Technologies)1998 heads keys ladders mesoamerican-theme montezumasrevenge-series puzzleplatformer score supergameboy walking GBlabelimageminimize
Montezuma's Return Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1998 consoleclassix gameboycompatible heads keys ladders mesoamerican-theme montezumasrevenge-series puzzleplatformer rating-elspa-3 score walking GBClabelimagesubject
Rats!  Take 2 Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1998 anthroprotagonist consoleclassix harmfultouch lives platformer rodentprotagonist savepassword GBClabelimageminimize
Reservoir Rat Take-Two Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1999 rodentprotagonist savepassword score GBlabelimageminimize
Spacestation Silicon Valley  Take-Two Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1999 noconsoleclassix platformer GBClabelimageminimize
Three Lions  Take-Two Interactive (Tarantula Studios)1999 noconsoleclassix soccer GBClabelimageminimize