showing 14 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdisplayplatform
AMY Lexis Numérique (VectorCell)2012 phyreengine rating-esrb-m survivalhorror xblm textured polygonsX360labelimageminimize
AMY Lexis Numérique (VectorCell)2012 phyreengine psstore rating-esrb-m survivalhorror textured polygonsPS3labelimageminimize
Beauty or The Beast EMME Interactive (Lexis Numérique)2001 Windowsminimizeminimizeminimize
eXperience112  DreamCatcher Interactive;The Adventure Company;Techland (Lexis Numérique)2007 amnesia blankprotagonist cdrom cockpitsim cooperation cpplanguage demo directx9 dvd earth escape femaleprotagonist flashbacks gameplayinn guide metainterface multidisplay multiprotagonists naturalistic openal robots serious steampowered unseenprotagonist uvl-searchelp watercraft-location widescreen win2k win98 winxp textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
In Memoriam  Ubi Soft (Lexis Numerique)2003 arg defunct Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Learning with the PooYoos - Episode 1 Lexis Numerique2009 Wiiminimizeimageminimize
Learning with the PooYoos - Episode 2 Lexis Numerique2010 wiiware Wiilabelimageminimize
Learning with the PooYoos - Episode 3 Lexis Numerique2010 wiiware Wiilabelimageminimize
Milo and the Magical Stones  Barcelona Multimedia (Lexis Numérique)2000 Windowsminimizeminimizeminimize
Missing The Adventure Company (Lexis Numérique)2003 Windowsminimizeimageminimize
Missing: The 13th Victim  Ubisoft;The Adventure Company (Lexis Numérique)2004 Windowsminimizeminimizeminimize
Pippa Funnell: Champion Equestrian  Lexis Numerique (Kudosoft)2005 horsegame horses virtualpets rasterWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All Lexis Numerique 2012 X360minimizeminimizeminimize
Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All Lexis Numérique2012 Windowsminimizeminimizeminimize