showing 7 games

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Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-weight chargers chemistry classbased classbasedeq constrainedlocale containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited difficulty dinosaurs disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses draganddrop drm dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler endlessopposition falldamage formations freelook genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders gloomy gog golems grenades gridmove grimrock-series group healingstations hitchance humanoids hunger idlenoise inbuilttraps indie insectoids inventory jewelry juggernauts katar keys knives lamp lamp-powered limitedcapacity lua luggage magic magic-precast magic-sigils mapannotation meleeweapons minotaurs modsupport mycoids mystics namegenerator noantagonist nodrm npcspawning ogres outlawprotagonist overburdening overloading polearms potions powerthrow pressureplates prison projectilerecovery randomchance randomdamage resting resuscitation robots sauroids screenshake secrets singularlocale skillbasedeq sorcery spears specieschoice splatter steampowered steamworkshop swordandsorcery swords teleport teleportmaze tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons titularlocale toxins ugc uipointer unarmedfighting undead walking xp-kills Windowslabelimagesubject
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 cpplanguage criticalchance damageinfo dark-limited disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses dungeon dungeoncrawler giantspiders gloomy gridmove grimrock-series group indie insectoids inventory keys lamp lua luggage magic meleeweapons minotaurs sauroids singularlocale specieschoice splatter steampowered swordandsorcery teleportmaze throwanything throwback thrownweapons Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2015 cpplanguage criticalchance damageinfo dark-limited disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses dungeon dungeoncrawler giantspiders gloomy gridmove grimrock-series group indie insectoids inventory keys lamp lua luggage magic meleeweapons minotaurs sauroids singularlocale specieschoice splatter swordandsorcery teleportmaze throwanything throwback thrownweapons iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-weight chargers chemistry classbased classbasedeq commercial constrainedlocale containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited difficulty dinosaurs disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses draganddrop dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler endlessopposition falldamage femaleprotagonist formations freelook genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders gloomy gog golems grenades gridmove grimrock-series group healingstations hitchance humanoids humblebundle hunger idlenoise inbuilttraps indie insectoids inventory jewelry juggernauts katar keys knives lamp lamp-powered limitedcapacity lua luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils mapannotation meleeweapons minotaurs mycoids mystics namegenerator noantagonist nodrm npcspawning ogres outlawprotagonist overburdening overloading polearms potions powerthrow pressureplates prison projectilerecovery randomchance randomdamage resting resuscitation robots sauroids screenshake secrets singularlocale skillbasedeq sorcery spears specieschoice splatter steampowered swordandsorcery swords teleport teleportmaze tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons titularlocale toxins ugc uipointer unarmedfighting undead walking xp-kills Linuxlabelimageminimize
Legend of Grimrock II (Legend of Grimrock 2) Almost Human Games2013 achillesheelfoes amoeboids antagonistawareness axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows castle commercial containers cpplanguage crossbows dinosaurs dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders golems grimrock-series humanoids indie insectoids inventory jewelry knives magic meleeweapons minotaurs mycoids mystics ogres polearms potions resting sauroids sorcery spears swords teleport tentaclecreatures throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons unarmedfighting unconfirmed undead uvl-deleterequest walking Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Legend of Grimrock II (Legend of Grimrock 2) Almost Human Games2014 achievements adv-ptdistr airlocks ambientcreatures amoeboids antagonistawareness asphyxiation automap axes blowguns bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bossmeter bows capacity-slots capacity-weight castle cemetery charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle classbased cpplanguage crafting crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited darts difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 display-1024x768 display-720p dodgechance dungeon dungeoncrawler elementals energyitems energyregen energystations falldamage femaleprotagonist firearms firearms-early forest genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantspiders gianttestudines giantwolves golems graverobbing gridmove grimrock-series groupcreation handcannons hazardouspowers healingitems healingstations healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance humblestore humblewidget hunger hyperenemies ichthyoids improvisedweapons indie injuries insectoids inventory island isolatedlocale jewelry katar keys-disposable knives lamp lamp-powered leveleditor limitedcapacity luggage magic magicrings maleprotagonist mapannotation meleeweapons mimics mine minotaurs murinoids mystics namegenerator noinvpause nomodalpause npcspawning ogres plantcreatures polearms potions randomdamage recurringopponent resting resuscitation revolvers ruins sauroids saveanywhere savepoints secrets semibarriers shadermodel3 shields skeletons slings sorcery speakingstones spears specieschoice ssao staves stealingnpcs steampowered stranded suicideattackers swordandsorcery swords tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingaxes throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons tinyfoes undead undefinedelements underwater underwaterwalking walking wands wetland winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Legend of Grimrock II (Legend of Grimrock 2) Almost Human Games2015 achievements adv-ptdistr airlocks ambientcreatures amoeboids antagonistawareness asphyxiation automap axes blowguns bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bossmeter bows capacity-slots capacity-weight castle cemetery charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle classbased cpplanguage crafting crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited darts difficulty difficulty-ingame display-1024x768 display-720p dodgechance dungeon dungeoncrawler elementals energyitems energyregen energystations falldamage firearms firearms-early forest genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantspiders gianttestudines giantwolves golems graverobbing gridmove grimrock-series groupcreation handcannons hazardouspowers healingitems healingstations healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance humblestore humblewidget hunger hyperenemies ichthyoids improvisedweapons indie injuries insectoids inventory island isolatedlocale jewelry katar keys-disposable knives lamp lamp-powered leveleditor limitedcapacity luggage magic magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons mimics mine minotaurs murinoids mystics namegenerator noinvpause nomodalpause npcspawning ogres opengl osx osx-7 plantcreatures polearms potions randomdamage recurringopponent resting resuscitation revolvers ruins sauroids saveanywhere savepoints secrets semibarriers shadermodel3 shields skeletons slings sorcery speakingstones spears specieschoice ssao staves stealingnpcs steampowered stranded suicideattackers swordandsorcery swords tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingaxes throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons tinyfoes undead undefinedelements underwater underwaterwalking walking wands wetland Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize