showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsplatform
Spot Goes to Hollywood Acclaim;Virgin (Eurocom Entertainment Software)1995 commercialmascot consoleclassix coolspot rating-elspa-3 rating-esrb-ka Mega Drivelabelimageminimize
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded Activision (Activision;Eurocom Entertainment Software)2011 007 PS3labelminimizeminimize
GoldenEye 007 Activision;Nintendo (Activision;Eurocom Entertainment Software)2010 007 firstpersonshooter Wiilabelimagesubject
Brutal: Paws of Fury  Cybersoft;Gametek;Kemco (Eurocom Entertainment Software)1994 1on1fighting anthroprotagonist consoleclassix SNESlabelimageminimize
Cold Shadow: The Adventures of Maui Mallard  Disney (Eurocom Entertainment Software)1996 anthroprotagonist birdprotagonist disney lighthearted lives nofalldamage titularcharacter uvl-tiein Win3.1labelimageminimize
Brutal: Paws of Fury Gametek (Gametek;Eurocom Entertainment Software)1994 1on1fighting 6buttonarcadepad anthroprotagonist beach consoleclassix rating-vrc-ma13 Mega Drivelabelimagesubject
40 Winks  GT Interactive (Eurocom Entertainment Software)1999 rating-elspa-3 rating-esrb-e PSlabelimagesubject
DropZone Mindscape (Eurocom Entertainment Software)1992 2080s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium aliens androids defenderlike future jetpack otherworld rescue NESlabelimagesubject
Vancouver 2010: The Official Videogame of the Winter Olympic Games Sega (Eurocom Entertainment Software)2010 olympic X360labelminimizesubject
Vancouver 2010: The Official Videogame of the Winter Olympic Games Sega (Eurocom Entertainment Software)2010 olympic PS3labelminimizesubject
Predator: Concrete Jungle Sierra Entertainment;VU Games (Eurocom Entertainment Software)2005 1930s 2030s 20thcentury 21stcentury alienprotagonist aliens city claws comic earth energyweapons future ledges meleeweapons nonlinearstory northamerica polearms predator rating-bbfc-18 rating-pegi-18 walkers Xboxlabelimageminimize
Predator: Concrete Jungle Sierra Entertainment;VU Games (Eurocom Entertainment Software)2005 1930s 2030s 20thcentury 21stcentury alienprotagonist aliens city claws comic earth energyweapons future ledges meleeweapons nonlinearstory northamerica polearms predator rating-bbfc-18 rating-pegi-18 walkers PS2labelimageminimize
Sensible Soccer: European Champions Sony Imagesoft (Sensible Software;Eurocom Entertainment Software)1994 sensiblesoccer-series soccer Game Gearlabelimageminimize
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?  THQ;Buena Vista (Eurocom Entertainment Software;Paragon Five)2000 consoleclassix tvgameshow tvseries GBClabelimageminimize
Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire THQ;Disney Interactive (Eurocom Entertainment Software)2001 disney noconsoleclassix saveram uvl-tiein GBClabelimageminimize
The Jungle Book  Virgin;Majesco (Syrox;Eurocom Entertainment Software)1994 asia asia-south consoleclassix desiprotagonist disney forest india junglebook rating-esrb-e tropic uvl-tiein Game Gearlabelimageminimize