showing 1 - 50 of 336 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
4 Elements Playrix Entertainment2008 achievements achievements-public directx8 elements magic rating-pegi-3 steampowered steamworks visualmatching win2k win98 winnt4 winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP or Vista
* 1 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 62 MB HD space***The ancient kingdom is in trouble! The magic of the four elements that kept it running for centuries has been corrupted by evil powers and the altars no longer yield the energy of life. It is up to you to unlock the 4 ancient books of magic and collect 16 mysterious cards that will help you restore the kingdom to life. An adorable little fairy will be your aide in this perilous journey as you encounter elementals, dragons, knights, and various magic creatures. Using a mix of classic addictive game play ideas but taking them to a new level with innovative twists, explosive bonuses, spectacular visual effects, and fascinating storyline in amazing animation, this game is a load of fun.

More About the Game:
* 4 books of magic to unlock and study
* 16 mysterious cards to collect
* Gripping storyline presented in beautiful animation
* 64 captivating levels with 20 challenging bonus tasks
* Rich variety of bewitching magic creatur
A Wizard's Lizard Lost Decade Games2014 achievements achievements-public actionadventure commercial download humblewidget license-proprietary steampowered twinstickshooter ubuntu Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda  ORiGO GAMES (Extend Studio)2011 2090s 21stcentury achievements achievements-public airdash bossbattles chainreactions chargers chargingweapons controlconfig crafting damageflicker dashing deathpits difficulty difficulty-ingame elevators energyweapons episodic experimentaltechnology extraterrestrial future harmfultouch healingitems healingstations independentaim midairjumping npcgenerators playerexposition quicktimeevent rescue robotprotagonist robots secrets sentientmachines spacestation steampowered suicideattackers titularcharacter tumbling turrets unlimitedammo upgradesystem uvl-searchelp x360pad A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda is the first chapter in a full featured episodic hardcore action packed side scrolling platformer, in the traditions of retro classics, where you play as Ares, a combat robot created for the sole purpose of saving humanity. Can you live up to the task or will you be reduced to nuts and bolts?

You are Ares, the first Zytron immune robot. A symbol of how far human technology has come, you are the most advanced robot in existence; built to run faster, jump higher, and fire quicker. In addition to these core attributes, your design includes a system for converting spare parts and resources into valuable items, armor, and weaponry. You will need to use everything at your disposal in order to reach and rescue the survivors aboard the Zytron infected space station.

Key features:
* Play through various locations in the A.R.E.S. universe, each a beautiful, unique, 3D environment with challenging obstacles.
* You are the ultimate weapon with the ultimate sidekick – Collect the secret items and get power up to become a perfect weapon.
* Come face to face with colossal opponents, learn their patterns to defeat them in battle.
* Destroy enemies, collect their parts, and then recycle them to make incredible items, including health packs, ammo, and weapon upgrades.
Adam's Venture II: Solomon's Secret  Iceberg Entertainment (Vertigo Games)2011 achievements achievements-public adamsventure-series directx9 drm drm-activation rating-pegi-7 shadermodel3 steampowered win2k winvista winxp After the earth-shattering events in Eden's caverns, Adam and Evelyn find themselves in a Clairvaux aircraft with a whole lot of explaining to do. Soon, events take a dramatic turn for the worse, and once again Adam finds himself holding the faith of the world in his hands.

And this time, in more ways than he could ever imagine...
AI War: Fleet Command Arcen Games2009 achievements achievements-public autosaves-periodic basebuilding builders commandtransfer demo directx9 display-1024x768 download fogofwar grouping mapannotation mapgenerator markers mp-cooperative mp-saves mpfocus netframework pve resourcecontrol serialkey slimdx space spacelanes steampowered steamworks teleport unitlimit upgradesystem vorbis warptravel waypoints winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 512 MB RAM
* 300 MB HD space

* 2.4 GHz CPU (Dual-core CPU for multiplayer host)
* 1 GB RAM***For 1-8 players, against each other or AI.***2009-05-08 - A "beta" release was already being sold (pre 1.0 version)
2009-05-15 - the "real" release (v1.0)
2009-06-17 - version 1.006 released
2009-10-22 on Steam, by Arcen Games (lang: eng)
AI War: Fleet Command Arcen Games2014 achievements achievements-public autosaves-periodic basebuilding builders commandtransfer commercial download fogofwar gog grouping license-proprietary mapannotation mapgenerator markers mp-cooperative mp-saves mpfocus netframework pve resourcecontrol slimdx space spacelanes steampowered teleport ubuntu unitlimit upgradesystem vorbis warptravel waypoints Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment2012 1life achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure activereload aimassist alanwake-series alcohol ambientocclusion antagonistawareness anticipatorystockpiles artistprotagonist authoravatar chapters collectibles comicrelief crepuscularrays dark-limited darkisevil darkness-theme deathpits destiny diaries did difficulty digitizedvideo directx10 directx9 dissolvingcorpses distortedhearing distortedvision dodging drifting driving encounters-popup envcombat epicgamesstore explosiveobjects fallimpact famousprotagonist farm finiteammo firearms flaregun flares flashbacks fog foreshadowing forest foretelling fxaa gog handguns havokphysics healingstations healthregen healthregen-stunted house insaneasylum isolatedhabitat isolatedlocale itemglow jumping ladders lamp light lighthouse limitedcapacity limitedsupplies liveactors lostequipment metafiction mine motionblur mountain neutralnpcs northamerica obsoletedassets paranormal poltergeists precisionrifles psychologicalthriller railyard recursivereference reload-auto reload-chambering reload-manual remedyconnecteduniverse rescue resort rural scrapyard screenshake shotguns slowmotion spouseprotagonist ssao stamina steampowered steamworks tangibleabstracts temporarycompanions titlementioned titularcharacter town trampling tutorial usa vaguelocation walking wilderness wildlife winvista winxp Muy buena atmósfera, con una elaborada historia y un sistema de combate innovador aunque algo repetitivo. Es un survival horror peculiar.

Como jugar a un libro de Stephen King.

8 de 10***When the wife of the best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his search turns up pages from a thriller he doesn’t even remember writing. A Dark Presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls, pushing Wake to the brink of sanity in his fight to unravel the mystery and save his love.

Presented in the style of a TV series, Alan Wake features the trademark Remedy storytelling and pulse-pounding action sequences. As players dive deeper and deeper into the mystery, they’ll face overwhelming odds, plot twists, and cliffhangers. It’s only by mastering the Fight With Light combat mechanic that they can stay one step ahead of the darkness that spreads across Bright Falls.

With the body of an action game and the mind of a psychological thriller, Alan Wake’s intense atmosphere, deep and multilayered story, and exceptionally tense combat sequences provide players with an entertaining and original gaming experience.

[b]Enhanced for the PC[/b]
* Includes Alan Wake Special Episodes "The Signal" and "The Writer"
* Experience Alan Wake’s Pacific Northwest in higher resolutions and higher fidelity than the Xbox360 version.
* Fully configurable mouse and keyboard support, or if you prefer to play with the Microsoft gamepad connected to your PC, you can do that too!
* Lots of customizable graphics settings and support for 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios!
* Multithreaded engine that takes advantage of quad core CPUs.
* Additional features our fans have sought after such as field of view adjustment as well as "hide HUD".
* Works with AMD Eyefinity 3D 3-screen mode.
* Works with NVIDIA NVISION2 Stereoscopic 3D***Cancelled by Microsoft at some point, citing the game is best played on a couch with TV. Uncancelled at a later time, and the final release includes veiled jab(s) (in QR codes found in-game) at Microsoft's platform exclusive original release.***A psychological thriller from makers of [[game:Max Payne]] series.
Alien Hallway Sigma Team2010 achievements achievements-public aliens directx9 earth enemyhealthdisplay giants greys lua mars neon netframework nominioncontrol npcgenerators otherworld pseudo3d securom shadermodel2 steampowered steamworks suicideattackers supportnpcs timelimit tugowarstrategy upgradesystem vibrant winvista winxp xnaframework Un juego simple, similar a un tower defence pero con ambos bandos atacando la base del rival.

Nada especial, vulgar y basto.

3 de 10***Like with Swords & Soldiers, you only control support power (air strike) and spawning of new minions, though as added micromanagement you need to occasionally trigger grenade tossing ability of your minions.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 1.6 GHz Pentium CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* 100 MB HD space***[media=youtube]v680Oa-FXlg[/media]***Alien Hallway is a totally new action- strategy shooting game for the PC developed by Alien Shooter series makers, Sigma Team company.

Here, in Sigma's adrenaline-fueled game, players measure stamina with a never-ending stream of green creatures within the borders of a special military mission. The rules are severe and the fate of Humanity is put on the line.
Control an entire army in a tough single-player campaign mode with a simple click of the mouse. With an easy approachable interface, players can go through three-dimensional battlefields destroying the enemies with superpowered weapons, throwing various types of grenades, using airstrike skill, and upgrading both the base and the units. Players make serious rational decisions saving the soldiers and earning gold bonuses which are vital in this intense confrontation.

Constantly changing settings and glow effects mixed with heavy, rythmic music add life to the game and keeps you captivated - you'll be hooked!

[b]Game Features:[/b]
[b]Dynamic Single-Player Campaign[/b]
A Captivating atmosphere of unknown Planets full of suspense and tension serves as an arena for endless fights between Humans and Aliens!
[b]Easy Mouse Control[/b]
Easy to learn controls make the game attractive for all kinds of players - Attack, upgrade, and buy items with just a click of the mouse.
[b]Plain Navigation[/b]
Explore the battlefield effortlessly by simply moving the mouse sideways. Scroll the mouse-wheel to zoom.
[b]Unlimited ability to upgrade your skills and weapons[/b]
Players are able to intensify skills by upgrading the base and the units in the shop: unlock blocked slots, increase air strike skills, add gold bonuses, decrease cool times, upgrade turrets and expand energy cell capacity.
[b]Unique characters[/b]
What's unique? Watch classic green-headed aliens. The whole race from larva till adults is reproduced.
Alien Swarm  Valve (Black Cat Games;Valve)2010 23rdcentury achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes activereload alieninvasion alienmenace aliens alienswarm-series alone alternateattack ammomagazines aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles barricading beamweapons bink biogrowth burning burning-realistic capacity-toolslots chainsaw classbased classbasedeq classlinkedgender cryogenicweapons csaa damageovertime dark deathpits deployables deployables-redeploy difficulty directx9 dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-breakable electricweapons elevatorbattle elitemobs endlessopposition energyweapons explosiveobjects firearms fireextinguishers flamethrowers flares friendlyfire friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-reduced future glowsuits grenadelaunchers grenades-impact group gunclubbing gunships handguns hatchers havokphysics healingitems host-dedicated inclinators industrial-setting inexplicabletrajectories instantkillers instructor interspecificconflict knockback lamp larvae lasersight limitedcapacity limitedsupplies loot-none lutris machineguns map milessound militantprotagonist mine mines mode-practice monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-matchmaking mp-nodupes mpfocus msaa naturalistic npcspawning nplayers otherworld overpenetration parasites playerprogression postmissionrestoration powerarmor powertools precisionrifles radar reload-auto reload-detrimental reload-lossy reload-manual reload-real rotaryguns saveonline screenshake secondaryattack sequence-escape sequence-survival serverbrowser sewers shotguns slowbackpedal slowmotion socialnetwork sourceengine spawners splatter steampowered steamworks stunning submachineguns suicideattackers tactical thermalweapons tracers tripmines unlockable-items uvl-confusable valveanticheat viralcreatures visionenhancer voicechat walking wastedeffort widescreen Alien Swarm is a game and Source SDK release from a group of talented designers at Valve who were hired from the Mod community.

Available free of charge, the game thrusts players into an epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes. Plan your attack using an unlockable arsenal of weapons with countless loadout configurations against a wide variety of aliens. Blaze your way through an overrun, off-world colony, eradicating the alien infestation in environments ranging from the icy planet's surface, to a subterranean lava-flooded mining facility.

Along with the game get the complete code base for Alien Swarm that features updates to the Source engine as well as the SDK. Alien Swarm adds 3rd person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and a wide variety of gameplay additions to the Source engine.

* Tactical, 4 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
* Complete game code and mod tools
* Unlock persistent items by gaining levels
* Over 40 weapons and equipment with countless loadout configurations
* 4 unique classes and 8 unique characters
* Matchmaking, Steam Cloud, Steam Stats
* 64 achievements
* Tile-based map generation tool
* Powered by Source and Steam***More outlying human colonies have fallen to Swarm attacks this month, the most notable of which being the research base of Tau Ceti 5. This base was known for its intensive research on the alien threat, having produced a number of papers on their behaviour and biological makeup, information the ISAF paid a great deal for. It's unknown whether the attack on this base was caused by the recent presence of a number of recently captured live bugs or whether it was just a random attack.
[Valve Steam]***Alien Swarm: Infested is an upcoming action strategy game featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad level tactics all in an overhead view. As a Commander in the Interstellar Armed Forces, your job is to guide your squad and successfully complete their mission against the ravages of the Swarm infestation, a threat which plagues mankind across the breadth of colonized space.
[Black Cat]
Aliens vs Predator  Sega (Rebellion Developments)2010 achievements achievements-public airducts alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator alternateattack ammomagazines androids anticipatorysightings assaultrifles asura-engine autosavepoints backstabbing biogrowth bossbattles canyon capacity-toolslots cave chargedactions claws cloakednpcs cloaking cpplanguage dark deathfakers deathpits detector diaries directx11 directx9 dismemberment distortedvision download dvd elevators energydraining energyweapons exoticweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon falldamage fearofnothing firearms flamethrowers flares fullbodyawareness future gore grenadelaunchers grotesque gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted hud-dynamic humanprotagonist industrial-setting interspecificconflict itempickup-auto jumping killingblow lamp lightdousing limitedcapacity lipsync locationaldamage lostequipment lv426 machineguns megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mines monsterprotagonist monsters motiondetector movie mp-3way mp-control mp-dm mp-infection mp-survival mp-tag mp-teams multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives namelessprotagonist netranking noenergyregen npcstrife objectiveindicator openended otherworld pain parasites perspectiveflip plasmaweapons precisionrifles predator researchfacility restorepower robots rookieprotagonist ruins saveonline scientists secrets segmentedhealth sequelhook sequence-escape serialkey serious shotguns silentprotagonist soldiers spacefaringage stealth steampowered steamworks targetedjump telescope temple thermalweapons thrownweapons tropic turrets tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting visiblelasers visionmodes voicechat walking wetland winvista winxp EAN-13: [code]5055277002238[/code] (UK; 2 DVDs; SEGA-PC111)***For 1-18 players, multiplayer maps include player caps at 8, 12, and 18.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 4.6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo E6400 CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD2900 Pro GPU***[b]healthregen-stunted[/b] - the marine has 3 health bars, regeneration is limited to filling the currently partially depleted bar. Predator regenerates arbitrary chunks of damage that "fall off" the health bar, completely gone chunks do not regenerate. Xenomorph regenerates any and all damage and therefore is not covered by this tag.
[b]cloaking[/b] - unlike in the previous games, the predator can remain cloaked indefinitely as long as they avoid certain actions. this causes no energy drain of any kind. And the cloak can be immediately resumed when the cloak breaking action is ceased.***Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.

Bringing the most intense war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.

Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.

- As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry.
- As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face.
- As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades.
- Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments.
[Sega]***Not to be mistaken with an earlier [game=#16824]AVP game[/game] from the same developer.
Altitude Nimbly Games2010 achievements achievements-public aerodyne aeroplane demo fighteraircraft intangiblefoes license-crossplatform mp-crossplatform osx osx-5 osx-6 ppc pvp rockets steampowered steamworks upnp x86 Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Altitude Nimbly Games2009 achievements achievements-public aerodyne aeroplane afterburner colorblind demo empweapons facebookconnect fighteraircraft guidedweapons intangiblefoes letterbox license-crossplatform mp-crossplatform pvp rockets stalling steampowered steamworks title-none upnp voicechat A nice multiplayer action game.

-Different classes of planes that compliment each other and have avery different way of playing.
-Flying mechanics.
-Different game modes

-The editor is a mess.

7 of 10***Blast your way across the cartoon skies in this fast-paced game of aerial combat. Nimbly Games has crafted an instantly accessible, rewardingly deep, and ravishingly fun multiplayer action game. The sirens have sounded, bogies are coming in hot...
Jump into the fast and agile Loopy and drop your enemies from the sky with a tactical EMP blast - but hit your afterburners before your Biplane support tears them to pieces with 20mm cannons blazing! Barrel roll through the enemy minefield and arm your nuke as you enter the drop zone. There it is - the enemy base - but two Mirandas just warped in with lasers hot and an Explodet is lumbering into position over their hangar decks — will you carry your team to victory?
Multiplayer Done Right: Altitude combines Call-of-Duty style perks with the gameplay variety of Team Fortress 2 in a fresh multiplayer experience. Carefully refined controls, netcode, and balance make for hundreds of hours of deep, rewarding gameplay.
[Steam Store]
Amazing Princess Sarah HarunekoTBA achievements achievements-public commercial deadlydecor directionalforce-current download femaleprotagonist indevelopment indie license-proprietary meleeweapons powerthrow savepoints steampowered swords ubuntu xnaframework Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Amazing Princess Sarah Haruneko2014 achievements achievements-public deadlydecor directionalforce-current download femaleprotagonist indie meleeweapons powerthrow savepoints steampowered swords xnaframework Windowslabelimageminimize
Ancients of Ooga NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2010 achievements achievements-public asphyxiation autosavepoints colorful demo desura humanoidprotagonist humanoids interactivetriggers inventory jumppads ledges magic mystics nohumans possession prehistoric-theme pressureplates pseudo3d puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e10 shadermodel3 steampowered steamworks supernaturalprotagonist swimming tribals tropic tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated underwaterdiving winxp From the creators of 'Cloning Clyde' comes a new epic adventure!

Eat, chant, and even puke your way through the highly comical, primeval land of Ooga! There’s never a dull moment as you meet, befriend, and finally acquire seven zany Oogani tribes. Uncover their lost ancient powers, and exploit their abilities and lead them in a revolt against the tyrannical Boolis. Classic platforming/puzzle solving with a novel eat/carry/puke inventory management component. Over fifty amazing levels, plus, narcotic slugs that make you loopy!

Ancients of Ooga is sure to take you out of this world.

Key features:
* An immersive adventure leading seven zany tribes to freedom.
* Unlockable ancient abilities for each unique tribe.
* Revive murdered chiefs each with incredible powers to control the elements.
* A novel eat/carry/puke inventory management component.
* Classic platforming/puzzle solving
* Over fifty levels
And Yet It Moves Broken Rules2009 achievements achievements-public animateobjectprotagonist anthropomorphicobjectprotagonist autosavepoints clanguage deathbarriers defenseless demo disappearingplatforms download falldamage ginkgoengine handdrawn humblebundle instantdeath midastouch netranking opengl papery physics playerprofiles puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e retrypoints singlecontroller skeletalanimation spinninglevels spokenonomatopoeia steampowered steamworks surreal torque2d trampolines widescreen worldrotation (Jugado de principio a fin, epílogo sin completar)

Un plataformas en el que giras el sentido de la gravedad.

-Los puzzles sorprenden constantemente con nuevos elementos.
-Su estética collage es convincente.
-Muy buen trabajo de sonido.

-Arranca lento: los primeros niveles son bastante monótonos.
-Da bastantes fallos de colisión.

6 de 10***"And Yet It Moves" is basically a mixture between a jump and run and a puzzle game, with the extra ability to rotate the world. The player can run left, right and jump, but can also turn the world clockwise and counterclockwise by 90 degrees. When this happens physics works the following way: as soon as rotation starts all objects get frozen and after rotation objects continue to move with their velocities (direction and speed) they had before. With this ability you can move objects and yourself but also need to keep orientation and watch out for dangerous situations. Don't worry though, you're made out of paper so you can die as often as you want to.

The overall goal is to get through this collage of ripped paper. And if you are quick - and don't die too often - you might get a good rank in our global highscore list.

This is a gameconcept for a mediainformatics course held by the igw at Vienna University of Technology. We made two levels that show different aspects of how actual gameplay could be like. The first level - the cave - is more jump and run style and is an easy one where you can practice and improve your rotation skills. The second one - the jungle - is an advanced level with more sophisticated puzzles. To solve them you have to apply the physical consequences of rotating the world to the player and other objects simultaneously.
[Broken Rules]
Anomaly 2 11 bit studios2013 2020s 2030s 21stcentury achievements achievements-public alienearth alienmenace anomaly-series autosavepoints chapterreplay city-newyork-ny combobonuses cpplanguage decoys difficulty distortedvision earth enemyhealthdisplay facelessprotagonist fictionalelement firingarcs future humblebundle indie leaderparticipation loot-unexpected mecha militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased mp-asymmetric mp-crossplatform mp-versus multipleendings northamerica paidkilling postapocalypse radialmenu repairing retrypoints retrypoints-rollback robotmenace robots routing ruins score scoremultipliers shadermodel3 shieldprojectors steampowered steamworks timecompression timeskip titlementioned towerdefense toweroffense transformation turrets tutorial undefinedelements walkers wintery In the years following the invasion of Earth in 2018, the planet is overrun by alien machines. Humankind is on the verge of extinction. Banded together in huge convoys, they search the frozen tundra for food and supplies. Since the war, the roles have been reversed: now our species seems to be the Anomaly on a machine-controlled planet. Your convoy, Commander, is called Yukon.

Anomaly 2 is a real-time strategy game that takes the tower offense concept from Anomaly Warzone Earth to a new level. Maintaining the core concepts of the original – tactical planning and the on-field Commander to support troops in combat – Anomaly 2 introduces a number of important new features:

* Morph your troops into war mechs to discover the new face of strategy: each unit has a different mech form with various abilities to help you overcome specific combat situations.
* Engage in a multiplayer experience unique to Anomaly 2: tower defense vs. tower offense. Play as the towers and destroy the humans or lead the humans to annihilate the alien towers.
* Fight across a post-apocalyptic world in a new single-player campaign that offers a more intense strategy experience than the acclaimed original.
* Carve your own path to victory and create your ultimate battle squad. With over million tactical combinations to build your squad, your options in combat are nearly endless.
* Dive into a beautifully rendered world, thanks to the team’s new and improved visual engine:
* Experience alternative endings dependent upon your approach to enemy machines in the campaign.
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 11 bit studios2011 2020s achievements achievements-public alienmenace anomaly-series asia autosavepoints city city-baghdad-iq city-tokyo-jp combobonuses cpplanguage decoys demo directx9 earth enemyhealthdisplay energyshields experimentaltechnology facebookconnect facelessprotagonist falseending fictionalelement fullscreen future gameplayinn healthregen healthregen-fast humblebundle intangibleallies iraq japan leaderparticipation loot-unexpected militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased namelessprotagonist netranking paidkilling rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 retrypoints retrypoints-rollback robotmenace routing ruins score scoremultipliers sequence-timed shieldprojectors smokegrenades steampowered steamworks tanks timecompression titlementioned toweroffense turrets twitter undefinedelements unlockable-modes winvista winxp Un anti-tower defense (ya que eres el que tiene que recorrer el camino y no el que lo defiende) fresco, con muchos elementos tan interesantes como originales.

Muy recomendable, una auténtico soplo de aire fresco en el tan agotado género de TD, seguramente uno de los mejores TD que existen.

8 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP2, Vista, or 7
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* GeForce 7600 or Radeon X1800 GPU
* 1 GB HD space***Anomaly Warzone Earth is an extraordinary mixture of action and strategy in a reversed tower defense formula. The game tasks you with saving a near-future Earth from an alien onslaught. The invaders have captured world’s major cities, building huge turrets that destroy everything in their path. It’s up to you to lead an armor squad through the streets of cities like Baghdad and Tokyo, planning the route and strategically choosing which units to deploy in order to crush the opposition. Take control of the Commander, whose special abilities and quick thinking will be vital in supporting the squad in its mission, as you engage in fast-paced, tactical battle across story campaign and two heart-pounding Squad Assault Modes.

Key features:
* Enjoy innovative game play – mixing action and strategy in a reversed tower defense formula – you’re the attacking side!
* Play the commander whose special abilities and quick thinking are crucial to support the squad in its quest for victory.
* Think tactically and strategically, choosing the right squad and the best route for the mission.
* Extend tactical possibilities by gathering resources to buy new units and upgrade your squad during a battle.
* Play for hours on end in the engaging story campaign, as well as the two exciting Squad Assault Modes.
* Immerse yourself in the game with great visuals and atmospheric audio.
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 11 bit studios2011 achievements achievements-public aliens anomaly-series city demo earth future humblebundle netranking osx osx-6 rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 score steampowered steamworks toweroffense turrets [b]Minimum:[/b]
* OS X 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard)
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 7600 or Radeon X1800 GPU
* 1 GB HD space
Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 11 bit studios2011 2020s achievements achievements-public alienmenace anomaly-series asia autosavepoints city city-baghdad-iq city-tokyo-jp combobonuses cpplanguage decoys demo earth enemyhealthdisplay energyshields experimentaltechnology facebookconnect facelessprotagonist falseending fictionalelement fullscreen future gameplayinn healthregen healthregen-fast humblebundle intangibleallies iraq japan leaderparticipation militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased namelessprotagonist netranking paidkilling rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 retrypoints retrypoints-rollback robotmenace routing ruins score scoremultipliers sequence-timed smokegrenades tanks timecompression titlementioned toweroffense turrets twitter undefinedelements unlockable-modes Androidlabelimageminimize
APOX BlueGiant Interactive2011 achievements achievements-public arid artillery basebuilding cannons clansystem corpselooting coversystem cpplanguage damagetypes deployables directx9 enemyhealthdisplay facing firearms flamethrowers garrisons healing imprisoning indicator-range itemdurability leveleditor minionequipping mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-matchmaking mpfocus netranking ogre-engine postures recruiting repairing replays shadermodel2 ssao steampowered steamworks structurefacing supplies suppressivefire trashengine tutorial vehiclecrew veterancy vorbis wasteland wintery winvista winxp wreckage Influenced by Mad Max movies or it's used as widely known reference point, personally I would think influenced is more likely.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista, or 7
* 2 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 2 GB HD space***APOX is a real-time strategy game that uniquely includes gameplay concepts from first-person shooters. Like in a FPS, you can prone, crouch, switch active weapons, throw grenades, and loot corpses. Soldiers in APOX have limited ammo, but ammo sharing is done seamlessly. Soldiers can be placed in vehicles, and this essentially lets you create your own unit designs. APOX keeps everything that makes RTS great like making bases, controlling strategic sites, and managing your resources.

The eight missions included are designed to show basic combat and explain the unique aspects to APOX's gameplay. From there, play in one of 100 scrimmage maps against AI-controlled bots. Then, play in one of 100 scrimmage maps against AI-controlled bots. Play with your friends against bots in co-op mode or play against other people in versus mode.

Key features:
* FPS-like tactics including prone, taking cover, limited ammo, weapon drops
* 8 Combat Training Missions
* 100 Scrimmage Maps
* Massive games with up to 32 players
* Play against AI-controlled bots in single player or co-op mode
* Play against humans in versus mode
* Internet matchmaking lobby, clans, ratings, and stat tracking
Aquaria Bit Blot2007 achievements achievements-public actionadventure ambientcreatures aquaticrealm automap autozoom backtracking bellyofawhale bossbattles chargedattack cnidarians colossi cpplanguage dark-limited dashing demo devouring directionalforce directionalforce-current download falseending fasttravel fasttravel-points femaleprotagonist fish fmod forgottenpast giantmonsters giantseahorses healingitems healthpickups humanoidprotagonist humblebundle igfgrandprizeaward igfnominee indie inventory lamp leveleditor leveleditor-ingame license-gpl lua magic metroidvania minigames minimap modifiable monsters mutants nonlinear oceanworld openended opengl peeking pet pyrokinesis rewardingvandalism robots ruins savepoints sdl seamonsters search sequelhook serious shapeshifters shapeshifting skeletalanimation sorcery sound steampowered steamworks titlementioned titularlocale tutorial underwater visions walljumping widescreen wildlife A medio caballo entre el Ecco The Dolphin y un Metroidvania, este juego destaca por su atmósfera y por el buen diseño de los niveles, que te seducen para ser explorados.

Imprescindible, de banda sonora sublime.

8 de 10***Latest version: 1.1.2 (as of ?)***2005. Project started
2007-12-07 by BitBlot (download; non-Steam version)
2008-12-15 by BitBlot through Steam (download; with Steam achievements added)***[[youtube:G40cXjcz-9c]]***Minimum:
* 1.6 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 200 MB free HD space***A beautiful, hand-crafted 2D adventure

Lonely, restless Naija has spent her entire life wrestling with questions about her identity. We join her as she takes her first steps away from the comfort of home and into new, potentially dangerous waters. Through exploration and magical combat, Naija will unearth the history of Aquaria and connect with beings lost in the depths of time. On the search to discover the fate of her people, her destiny and that of Aquaria's will be forever altered.

A massive, underwater fantasy world to explore

Aquaria is an action-oriented, non-linear 2D side-scrolling game. Using an intuitive and fluid mouse control system, Naija can deftly swim through and explore a massive, handcrafted world that is teeming with undersea life. Along the way, she will encounter literally hundreds of different types of plants and animals and explore many ingame miles of hidden caves, lost ruins, and other strange places.

As kids, we grew up playing the brilliant 2D action and roleplaying games of the time. With Aquaria, we've aimed to capture the excitement of those games in a new way, using updated technology, controls, and visuals. This is a game with a very personal touch, from the characters and story to the creature interaction and expansive environments.

Seamless, non-linear gameplay

In order to make the experience as engaging as possible, we created an interface that lets the player easily control Naija with just a two-button mouse. The HUD is minimal (restricted to only a minimap in the lower-right corner of the screen). In place of textual dialogue that most games rely on we used voice acting to drive the story without interrupting the gameplay.

Through a realtime interface, Naija can sing songs and cast spells without going to a menu screen. With practice, these spells can be cast easily to interact with the environment, solve puzzles, or combine them for strategic effect during combat. Certain spells will allow you to change form, creating new ways of playing the game depending on the form chosen.
[Bit Blot]
Arcadia Joshyy2010 abstract achievements achievements-public arenashooter neon openal opengl retro steampowered steamworks Windowslabelimageminimize
Astro Tripper Pom Pom Games2011 achievements achievements-public demo scrollingshooter steamworks Astro Tripper is a furious shoot-em-up experience inspired by the painful, knuckle busting video games of years gone by. An evolution of PomPom's 2001 award winning game, Space Tripper. Travel the surface of large horizontally-scrolling platforms, and pit your highly maneuverable craft against hoards of enemies eager to blow you to bits, eat you or worse.

Gameplay is simple. You are free to travel anywhere on the platform at anytime, but don’t fall off! Powerful Blue Lasers and Red Spread Lasers come equipped, so use both weapons tactically to get through tricky situations. Power up your weapons with power crystals dropped by destroyed enemies. Oh, did we mention the blasting absolutely anything that moves?

Enemies encountered are varied. Zippy UFOS. Fat Motherships. Tanks. Choppers. Slimy Slug creatures. Alien Insects. Aztec structures brimming with electricity. And of course, Big Bosses! 14 unique levels spread over 4 diverse worlds means there’s always something new just around the corner.

Key features:
* Furious retro shoot-em-up gameplay
* 14 completely unique levels spread over 4 worlds
* Vibrant 3D visuals and effects
* Global Online Leaderboards
* Unlockable Challenge Games
* Achievements
Avadon: The Black Fortress Spiderweb Software2011 achievements achievements-public automap avadon-series grid grid-square group highfantasy indie inventory license-crossplatform magic meleeweapons minimap sorcery steampowered steamworks trash turnbasedcombat Grandísimo juego de rol fantástico por turnos, con un mundo muy interesante y elecciones de diálogo y combate muy intersantes.

Peca de no tener unos gráficos de animación muy logrados.

8 de 10***Avadon: The Black Fortress is an epic, Indie fantasy role-playing saga. Form a band of skilled warriors, explore dungeons, hunt for treasure, learn many unique and powerful skills, and attempt to unravel a conspiracy that threatens to destroy your homeland!

Five great nations have banded together to form The Pact. The Pact is defended by Avadon, a secretive sect of spies and assassins. Its agents are everywhere. Its word is law.

You have been recruited as a Hand of Avadon, charged with missions that require swift action and a heavy fist. However, the enemies of the Pact have plans of their own, and Hands of Avadon are being picked off one by one. It will fall to you to struggle to survive and to reveal that plot that could shatter the safety of The Pact and plunge your homeland into chaos.

Beware! Allies are few. Traitors are everywhere. And the closer you come to the truth, the closer their assassins will come to you.

Key features:
* Epic, Indie fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world.
* Four different character classes, with dozens of unique spells and abilities.
* Uncover the fascinating history of Avadon and the land of Lynaeus.
* Many different endings. Your choices will change the world.
* Dozens of side quests, hidden dungeons, and secrets to discover.
* Hundreds of magical items to find. Use enchanted crystals to make your artifacts even more powerful.
* Huge adventure with lots of replay value.***Spiderweb Software brings you Avadon: The Black Fortress, the first chapter in a new, epic fantasy saga. You will serve the keep of Avadon, working as a spy and warrior to fight the enemies of your homeland. As a servant of the Black Fortress, your word is law. Experience an exciting fantasy role-playing adventure and battle a conspiracy to destroy your people.

Avadon: The Black Fortress Features:

* Epic fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world.
* Four different character classes, with dozens of unique spells and abilities.
* Uncover the fascinating history of Avadon and the land of Lynaeus.
* Many different endings. Your choices will change the world.
* Dozens of side quests, hidden dungeons, and secrets to discover.
* Hundreds of magical items to find. Use powerful crystals to make your artifacts even more powerful.
* Huge adventure with lots of replay value
Avadon: The Black Fortress Spiderweb Software2011 achievements achievements-public automap avadon-series grid grid-square group highfantasy indie inventory license-crossplatform magic meleeweapons minimap osx sorcery steampowered steamworks trash turnbasedcombat uvl-osversion Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Avernum: Escape from the Pit Spiderweb Software2012 achievements achievements-public acid adv-perks adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap autosaves-periodic avernum boating bodyarmor bows capacity-slots capacity-weight cave cemetery charactercreation combatmode crystals damageovertime dialog-sentences difficulty doors dragons dualwielding encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay energystations exile fame felinoids forcefields freelancing ghosts giantfungi gianthumanoids giantrats giantspiders giantworms goblins graverobbing grid grid-square group groupcreation healingstations hellhounds interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inventory karmiccreatures knives knockback license-crossplatform limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic meleeweapons mine mystics neutralmonsters ogres openworld optionaltasks outlaws overworld penalcolony persistentworld polearms priceinfo protagonistnaming randomchance randomdamage rebellion river safepowers sauroids saveanywhere secrets shopping skeletons soldiers sorcery statuseffects stealing steampowered subterranean subterraneanrealm summoning swords tasktracker thrownweapons timeunits titlementioned titularlocale town toxins trapdisarming trash undead vaguegoal volcanic vorbis walking wands war worlddomination xp-deeds xp-kills zombies Spiderweb Software returns to its epic creation, to tell a story of imprisonment, rebellion, and the struggle for freedom against overwhelming odds. Avernum: Escape From the Pit is the first chapter in an Indie fantasy role-playing saga, the tale of desperate exiles and their battle for survival and a land to call their own.

Avernum: Escape From the Pit features:
* Epic fantasy adventure in an enormous underworld.
* Huge outdoors and eighty towns and dungeons.
* Three separate game-winning quests. Seek safety, escape or revenge. Do just one of them or all three!
* Unique races and settings make Avernum different from any adventure out there.
* Dozens of side quests and hundreds of magical artifacts.
* Rich game system with over 50 spells and battle disciplines and a multitude of beneficial character traits to choose from.
Batman: Arkham Asylum Eidos Interactive;Konami;Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Rocksteady Studios)2009 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode airducts arkhamcombat autosavepoints batman batman-arkham biogrowth bossbattles challenges chargers collectibles constrainedlocale cpplanguage dccomics directx9 distortedvision dodging download drm drm-activation drm-changed dvd earth epicgamesstore famousprotagonist fictionallocation gadgets gianthumanoids giantmonsters gliding glowingveins grappling grapplinghook hallucinations hintsystem hypermuscles insaneasylum island itemglow ledges lunatics lutris map metroidvania mode-challenge monsters museum neutralnpcs nonlethal nonlinear northamerica npcanxiety nvapex openended outlaws personalquest physx plantcreatures postcombatrestoration prison rating-esrb-t recurringopponent roguesgallery secrets securom securompa serialkey serious sewers skipnoninteractive ssao stealth steampowered steamworks stereoscopic thrownweapons titularcharacter titularlocale unarmedfighting unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-tiein vigilanteprotagonist walking weirdvision widescreen windowslive winvista winxp wxwidgets ziplines Probablemente el mejor juego de Batman sino fuese porque su secuela es aún mejor.

No es jugar a ser Batman, es ser Batman.

9 de 10.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 3 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon 1300 GPU
* 9 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo E6600 or Athlon 64 X2 4600+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 9800GTX or Radeon 3870 GPU***In Batman: Arkham Asylum, the player assumes the role of Batman as he delivers The Joker to Arkham Asylum. There, the imprisoned super-villains have set a trap and an immersive combat gaming experience unfolds. With an original script penned by Emmy Award-winning Batman writer Paul Dini, the game brings the universe of DC Comics' detective to life with stunning graphics. Batman: Arkham Asylum offers players the chance to battle Gotham's worst villains with Batman's physical and psychological strength in a graphically distinct and story-driven game.
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode airducts alternatingprotagonist ambientocclusion arkhamcombat autosavepoints backstabbing batman batman-arkham caltrops captives challenges city cleargame collectibles combobonuses compass conspiracy constrainedlocale counselor coupdegrace cryogenicweapons csaa dccomics difficulty directx11 directx9 disarming distortedvision dodging doors doubleentendres drm drm-activation drm-changed earth eliteprotagonist epicgamesstore factory famousprotagonist fanservice femaleprotagonist fictionallocation fxaa gadgets gianthumanoids grapplinghook guidedweapons hacking hypermuscles interactivetriggers ladders langbrazil-port lasso ledges lostresources lunatics maleprotagonist map mercenaries metroidvania motionblur msaa museum mutants neutralnpcs newgameplus news nofalldamage nonlethal nonlinear northamerica npcanxiety npcarming objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks outlaws personalquest physx policestation postcombatrestoration pressureplates prison privatemilitarycompanies radiotap rage rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 roguesgallery securom securompa serialkey shapeshifters sharks slums smokegrenades snipers speedtree spoilertags stealth steampowered steamworks stunguns stunning suicide temple thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter titularlocale tower tumbling tyrant unarmedfighting unlockable-modes upgradesystem uvl-tiein vigilanteprotagonist walking weirdvision whips windowslive wwise x360pad xrayvision ziplines zoom
[12]***>Coger teclado
>Clicar Bloq Mayús"
Envolvente, rejugable, misiones secundarias de tan buena calidad como la principal, dosis notables de exploración...
Un GOTY ganado a pulso.

10 de 10***Appearances:
* Batman
* Catwoman
* Alfred
* Barbara Gordon (as Oracle)
* Tim Drake (as Robin)
* Penguin
* Joker
* Harley Quinn
* Two Face
* Solomon Grundy
* Victor Zsasz
* Mr. Freeze
* Bane
* Poison Ivy
* Hugo Strange
* Talia al Ghul
* Ra's al Ghul
* Calendar Man
* Killer Croc
* Black Mask
* Dead Shot
* Mad Hatter

and possibly some others
Battle for Graxia  Petroglyph Games2011 achievements achievements-public baseincome defunct enemyhealthdisplay equipmentupgrades free2play glyphengine graxia hugeweapons launcher magic moba paidkilling postreleaserename selfupdate shopping sorcery steampowered steamworks stunning 2011-09-12 original (beta?) release as Rise of Immortals
2012-11-29 re-released as Battle for Graxia
2013-06-28 servers closed down.***Rise of Immortals features the popular action-strategy gameplay of traditional MOBA games, but adds enhanced socialization features, along with persistent character progression – a first for the MOBA genre. In addition, Rise of Immortals features a social hub where players can show off their enhanced Immortals, chat, emote, browse leaderboards, shop, update friend lists and more. Players also have the option of taking their Immortals through cooperative Player versus Environment (PvE) scenarios to learn the game, try out new abilities, and earn persistent experience before jumping into Player versus Player (PvP) matches

Key Features
* Free-to-play
* 12 unique Immortals at launch with additional Immortals released regularly
* Persistent per-Immortal level progression and skill trees
* Persistent artifacts for stat enhancements
* Player versus Environment instances with collectable items
* Player versus Player instances with up to 5v5 multiplayer
* Persistent experience and leveling in both PvP and PvE instances
* Account and Immortal statistics tracking
* Player hub instances for socialization
Beat Hazard Cold Beam Games (ShadowRage)2010 achievements achievements-public bossbattles music rating-esrb-e saveonline steampowered steamworks undefinedelements Similar a un Asteroids intrincado con la aleatoridad de la creación según pistas de audio.
Nada que envidiar a juegos similares como el Audiosurf.
Recomendable, aunque puede hacerse repetitivo si tus pistas son del mismo estilo de música.
Es divertido probar a poner audios que no sean música.

6 de 10***Welcome to a new experience in gameplay mechanics: Beat Hazard

Gameplay Powered by YOUR Music!

Experience your music collection like never before with this intense music driven arcade shooter. Each of your songs will have its own unique ebb and flow based on the music.

Power up your spaceship and watch as the music boosts your firepower. Unleash hell on the enemy ships when you max out with weapon pickups!

Beat Hazard seamlessly mixes the love of gaming and music. Together they become greater than the sum of their parts.

* Unique music driven gameplay
* Gameplay possibilities as vast as your music collection
* Can you last a whole album in Survival Mode?
* 25 Steam achievements
* Compete against friends on Steam leader boards
* Get real time updates via the in game News System
* Take on huge boss ships
* Power up and unleash the deadly Beat Hazard weapon
* Rank up to an Elite rated pilot and beyond
* Includes a kicking rock album to get you started
[Cold Beam Games?]
Beat Hazard Cold Beam Games2013 achievements achievements-public bossbattles commercial download license-proprietary saveonline steampowered ubuntu undefinedelements Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Big Brain Wolf Frima Studio2009 achievements achievements-public animalpeople anthroprotagonist canidaeprotagonist grimmsfairytales hintsystem steampowered steamworks Windowslabelimageminimize
BIT.TRIP RUNNER Gaijin Games2011 achievements achievements-public bittrip-series blocky humblebundle netranking pixelated retro steampowered steamworks Un juego de ritmo ameno, agradable a la vista y muy entretenido.

Una de las mejores elecciones para cuando el tiempo que dispones para jugar sólo es de unos minutos.

6 de 10***BIT.TRIP RUNNER is the fastest, most exhilarating music/rhythm-platformer to hit Steam!

Race across the Moon, kicking down crystal walls and sliding under chomping moon-slugs! Bound through the Robotic Mines and face off against the MinerMech! Dash through the Big City on a quest to find friends and defeat the final boss together!

RUNNER is the fourth chapter in the award-winning and critically acclaimed BIT.TRIP series.

* You control CommanderVideo as he runs, jumps, slides, kicks, and more!
* Extremely addictive "just one more time" gameplay!
* With exciting modern and retro challenges, you can run through more than 50 levels!
* Chiptune supergroup Anamanaguchi makes a guest appearance!
* Join CommanderVideo in BIT.TRIP RUNNER on his most epic journey yet!

Key Steam features:
* Leaderboards!
* Achievements!
* Brand New Easy and Hard Modes!
Blacklight: Tango Down  Ignition Entertainment (Zombie Studios)2010 21stcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public aimassist aimmode ammomagazines aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles bink blacklight-series capturedresources city clienthost cpplanguage dedicatedclient detector directx9 distortedvision dynamicaccuracy earth empgrenades empweapons europe fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fragileprotagonist future grenadecooking grenades handguns healingstations healthpickups healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted host-migrating hud-explained hudmalfunctioning ironsights jumping letterbox machineguns mines mp-control mp-cooperative mp-ctf mp-dm mp-lms mp-teams notextchat physx playerprogression playerstats precisionrifles pve pvp pvpfocus rating-esrb-t scaleform serialkey shotguns stamina submachineguns titlementioned unlockable-items unrealengine3 voicechat walking weaponcustomization windowslive winvista winxp In Blacklight: Tango Down, experience the bleeding edge of advanced warfare. Participate in the "NetWar": a hyper-realistic battlefield letting you fight tomorrow’s conflicts with or against your friends in the gritty Blacklight universe. Make your stand across seven game modes with 12 different maps in intense online battles supporting up to 16 players. Or fight through four intense Black Ops missions co-operatively or alone; all the while gaining experience, collecting stats, and unlocking items. Earn new weapon attachments and items, improve your abilities, and engage your Hyper Reality Visor to locate enemies and take them out. Customize your character and weaponry from among thousands of combinations to become the soldier you always wanted to be.

* Groundbreaking content: 12 multiplayer maps across seven multiplayer game modes.
* Black Ops missions: Enhance your skills in four co-op missions with support for 1-4 players.
* Highly-customizable weapons and armor: Modify the way your firearms shoot, look, and feel among thousands of combinations.
* Rank up through 70 levels: Improve your abilities as you unlock tons of new items, camos, armor, and weapon attachments!
Blade Kitten Atari (Krome Studios)2010 achievements achievements-public alienanimals aliens autosavepoints autozoom bechdelwallace blocking bloodless bossbattles bulletengine ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal chapterreplay clingers comic containers demo drm episodic extraterrestrial fallimpact femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse fmod fortress future gameprogress giantmonsters hackandslash hatchers healthregen healthregen-fast hollowworld humanoidprotagonist industrial-setting jumping jumppads kemonomimi lighthearted logitech-g15 mandatoryloss mecha meleeweapons mercenaries mercenaryprotagonist midairjumping monkeybars monsters nofalldamage nopointercapture openended otherworld pseudo3d rating-esrb-t retrypoints rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins score secrets securom sequelhook shellworld sidetracked sliding slidingtackle soldiers spacefaringage stamina steampowered steamworks steppingstones swords teleporters tunnels unlockable-costumes walkers walking wallclinging walljumping wallsliding walltraversal webcomic xml Windowslabelimageminimize
Blocks that Matter Swing Swing Submarine2011 achievements achievements-public bizarreenvironments constructionpuzzle humblebundle indie license-crossplatform openal puzzleplatformer rescue robotprotagonist robots secrets steampowered steamworks steamworkshop tilebased ugc undefinedelements Un juego de plataformas basado en tetraminós.

Gran juego, con una música y estética memorables.

7 de 10.***When indie game developers Alexey and Markus are in trouble, their only hope comes from their creation.

You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot that can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style. Sand, wood, stone, obsidian, iron, diamond: each matter has its specific behaviour you'll have to use wisely and take advantage of them. So get ready to use your brain and combine your platforming and puzzle-solving skills in this incredible mashup!

Key features:
* A unique gameplay experience mixing puzzle and platform that will challenge your brain
* 40 levels to play in Adventure Mode, 20 bonus levels to unlock and more free content to come
* Collect every 40 "Blocks That Matter" and rediscover videogames made of blocks that made or will make History
* Create and share your own puzzles using an easy-to-use level editor (soon available)
* Steam achievements: 30+ achievements to unlock by playing the game and being creative.
* Steam Cloud: No matter if you play on PC or Mac, at home or outside, your progression will be saved.
Blocks that Matter Swing Swing Submarine2011 achievements achievements-public humblebundle indie license-crossplatform osx osx-5 osx-6 puzzleplatformer rescue robotprotagonist robots steampowered steamworks steamworkshop ugc Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Bob Came in Pieces Ludosity Interactive2010 achievements achievements-public demo indie license-crossplatform steampowered steamworks Bob has crashed on a strange planet, lost a bunch of parts for his ship and above all, is late for work!

Find the lost parts and rebuild your ship along the way to solve challenging, physics-based puzzles. You can build your ship any way you like in the ship builder – try to find the coolest ship-design for the puzzle at hand!

* Rebuild your ship any way You like
* Find the lost parts and tools for Your ship – You’ll need them to solve puzzles!
* 25 Chapters of solid level design and clever puzzles
* Many hours of replayability, with secrets, Achievements, Leaderboards and more
Bob Came in Pieces Ludosity Interactive2010 achievements achievements-public demo indie license-crossplatform osx steampowered steamworks Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Booster Trooper DnS Development2010 accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public assaultrifles ballistics bombs city directx9 dynamicaccuracy energyweapons firearms grenades handguns independentaim jumppack machineguns mp-assault mp-bots mp-ctf mp-dm mp-teams mpfocus netranking precisionrifles remotedetonators rockets ruins shadermodel3 shotguns splatter steampowered steamworks walking Windowslabelimageminimize
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009 aaa abominations achievements achievements-functional achievements-public activemark adv-ptdistr adv-static aimassist aimmode alienanimals aliens ambush ammomagazines animals arena arid assaultrifles autosavepoints autoshotguns bayonets borderlands-series bossbattles bountyhunting burrowers canyon capacity-slots censored cheapdeath circadiancycle classbased classlinkedgender clones clothdyeing compass containers crossworldcharacters damageindicator damagetypes deathpenalty deathworld depthoffield difficulty-players dingy directx9 dock doors download driving dvd dynamicaccuracy elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects explosives-sticky falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator freelancing gamespy grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups hillland hud-explained insectoids interlinkedlevels inventory ironsights itemgenerator itemglow itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant itempickup-scoop jumping knockback landvehicle levelbasedeq leveluprestoration lightbloom limitedcapacity locationaldamage logitech-g13 logitech-g15 logitech-g19 loot-random lootemup lutris map mercenaryprotagonist militarybase mine mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin mpfocus mutants neutralnpcs npcspawning nplayers nvidia3dvision objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks otherworld outlaws physx precisionrifles premadecharacters proceduralitemappearance proprietarynetwork pve reload-auto reload-manual respec resuscitation retrypoints revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets ruins scavenging scrapyard screenshake search secondaryattack secondwind secrets serverbrowser shieldregen shopping shore shotguns socialnetwork spacewestern ssao steampowered steamworks submachineguns targetident tasktracker teleport teleporters telescope town trampling tutorial unknownpast unrealengine3 upgrades-capacity vehicleflip vehiclepainting voicechat vorbis walking wasteland winvista winxp wxwidgets xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-shared DLC add-ons:
* The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (2009-12-09)
* Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot (2010-01-07)
* The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (2010-02-25)
* Claptrap's New Robot Revolution (2010-10-29)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 7 series or Radeon HD2400 GPU

Game hosting:
* TCP: 7777, 28900, 28910
* UDP: 7777, 27900***Latest version: 1.40 (as of 2010-09-28)
* 1.31 (2010-08-04)
* 1.30 (2010-02-25)
* 1.21 (2010-02-02)
* 1.20 (2010-01-08)
* 1.01 (2009-11-16)***For 1-4 players simultaneously.***As the first title in an all-new sci-fi action franchise, Borderlands combines the best elements of Gearbox Software's first-person action titles with player customization and vehicular combat. Borderlands features a unique content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands is a cooperative experience, allowing for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online. Players can freely join or leave each other’s games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. Borderlands features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles. More details to follow.
Breach Atomic Games2011 achievements achievements-public aimmode ammomagazines assaultrifles coversystem destructibleenvironment detector firearms grenades machineguns precisionrifles radar steampowered steamworks telescope valveanticheat walking xrayvision Introducing the first military shooter with enough destruction to change the very nature of multiplayer combat.

Breach is a first-person multiplayer shooter in which you can crash ceilings on opponents, create murder holes, disintegrate cover, punch holes through floors, blow out walls, collapse entire buildings, and so much more.

While most first-person shooters don't include any kind of cover system, Breach mixes its unique Active Cover system, which lets you attach instantly to cover, pop in and out of cover, blind fire, and more, with an environment in which virtually anything that can be used for cover can also be destroyed.

Break free from environments that stay the same every time you play. Breach arms you with dozens of real military tactics that are not possible in any other game.

Key features:
* Destroy Almost Anything: Welcome to the world's most destructible battlefield, filled with all sorts of nasty new tactics to use against your opponents.
* Active Cover: Attach to cover instantly with the push of a button and then use cover to gain advantages against opponents -- even while your cover is being destroyed.
* Unique Real-life Spy Equipment: Use real-life spy gadgets, like a Sonic Imager that lets you see what's on the other side of a wall and a * Sniper Detector that finds campers lying in wait for you.
* Lots of Variety: Includes five levels, five game types, 23 unlockable weapons, 13 perks, plus dozens of attachments and gadgets.
* Hard Core Mode: For those who like to play the way real operatives train, Hard Core Mode, the Sole Survivor game type, and the highly destructible battlefield create one of the most realistic military experiences in gaming.
* Dedicated Server: Host your own dedicated servers if you'd like, complete with remote administration.
Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy Blitz Arcade (Stickman Studios)2008 1life achievements achievements-public ageofsail aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 brigandprotagonist cannons caribbean demo directx9 download earth fame gamespy lethalvelocity letterbox missionbased mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-teams netranking nocrosshair noports openal outlawprotagonist pirate-theme pirateprotagonist pirates protagonistnaming rampantcrime savepoints shadermodel2 shadermodel3 shopping steampowered steamworks supplies torque3d tutorial tutorial-noninteractive upgradesystem warship watercraft widescreen winvista winxp Other than the frequent CTDs (consistently does so when you try to save after even single mission), muted and occasionally rapidly multiplying sounds (and sometimes they even start floating around irrespective of their source), difficult aiming (I have only vague impression on where the cannons are and where they're pointed), Buccaneer fails to deliver enjoyable pirate experience.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.6 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* 500 MB HD space

* 2.4 GHz Dual-Core CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* 1 GB HD space***Buccaneer is a single and multiplayer game where players strive to become the most infamous pirate captain of all time and etch their name in The Hall of Infamy.

Set against a backdrop of the sunny Caribbean, players will control a variety of classic tall ships, bristling with cannons, as they plunder their way through a 50 mission campaign and go head to head against other cut-throats online.

Employing a simple and intuitive control system, players will be able to jump straight into the action and begin their career in piracy.

With a wide variety of non-linear single player missions and a choice of more than a dozen fully customisable ships, Buccaneer will have budding pirate captains clammering for more!
[Stickman Studios]
Bullet Candy R C Knight2008 achievements achievements-public arcade arenashooter aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-4-3 download independentaim instantdeath lives lutris netranking score scoremultipliers scoreoriented steampowered steamworks waves widescreen Bullet Candy is a fast paced, action packed arena shooter. There are a variety of combo systems and many secret techniques that you can employ to get the best score and weapon upgrades possible. Viewed from a top-down perspective, Bullet Candy allows for a true 360° shoot-em-up experience. With all of your enemies in view at all times it's easy to see and, more importantly, shoot them into tiny little pieces.


* Bullet Candy features over 50 levels in arcade mode (150 in extend mode) and three challenging difficulty settings.
* Compete with the thousands of other players around the globe for the top spot with the in-game online high score tables!
* Tons of unlockables including Survival mode and Asteroid mode (both with their own online score boards).
* The Suicide Action allows you to kill yourself while keeping your score multipliers and bonus weapons intact.
* Collect all 20 Steam Achievements
Burn, Zombie, Burn!  P2 Games (doublesix)2010 achievements achievements-public arenashooter bombs burning caricature cartoonphysics chainsaw directx9 firearms flamethrowers gore machineguns meleeweapons mines netranking phyreengine powerups rating-esrb-m rotaryguns saveonline splatter steampowered steamworks thermalweapons winvista winxp zombies Windowslabelimageminimize
Capsized Alientrap Games2011 achievements achievements-public alienanimals alienplanet aliens alternateattack assaultrifles beamweapons bossbattles chapterreplay chargers chargingweapons comiccutscenes dark-limited difficulty displacementfiction elitemobs energyweapons eruptions fallbackweapon flyingislands fnaxna gog grapplinghook grenadelaunchers guidedweapons healthpickups implosionweapons independentaim indie interactivetriggers isolatedlocale jumping jumppack jumppads knockback lamp lives missionreset mode-survival mode-timed mode-undefined mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-dm netframework nofalldamage nonlinear objectiveindicator parallaxscrolling powerups pressureplates repulsion rockets ropeswinging score screenstaining secrets shotguns silent singularitydevices sizeispower spawners splatter steampowered steamworks stranded title-animated unhinderedfoes uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking wallclinging walljumping weaponkickback x360pad xnaframework Un juego tipo Metroidvania, aunque orientado más en la acción y menos en la exploración.

Es un juego decente, y bastante bueno en los modos arcade (especialmente el versus contra otro jugador), entretenido y de escenarios interesantes.

6 de 10***[media=youtube]SrYUEa00dGM[/media]***Capsized is a fast paced 2D platformer focused on intense action and exploration. As a intrepid space traveler, your ship has crash landed on a mysterious alien planet. You must navigate through the perilous environment and fight off blood-thirsty creatures to save your crewmates and escape with your lives!

Artist Jesse McGibney and programmer Lee Vermeulen create an immersive alien world teeming with bizarre life-forms and strange landscapes presented in a unique hand-drawn art style. Combining control elements of first person shooters and innovative physics based combat, Capsized emphasizes action without giving up the smart problem solving of classic platform games.

Use your jetpack to fly through the alien jungle, and tools such as the Gravity Hook to manipulate your environment to skilfully dodge and defeat attacking enemies. You will be challenged - with platforming, puzzle solving, and deadly skirmishing, often all at the same time!

Key Features:
* Highly detailed alien environments and creatures, lovingly rendered with high resolution hand-drawn artwork.
* 12 mission Campaign featuring: massive non-linear environments, diverse objectives and enemies, and exciting comic-style cutscenes.
* 4 extra Arcade Modes to unlock, including: local Deathmatch and Coop, Survival mode, Time Trials, and Armless fighting.
* Lethal arsenal of futuristic weapons and gadgets such as: the Gravity Ram, Jetpack, Energy Shield, and Quasar Array
* Classic First Person Shooter inspired controls, with a focus on skilled movement, creative tactics, and insane action.
Capsized IndiePub (Alientrap Games)2011 achievements achievements-public aircontrol alienanimals alienplanet aliens alternateattack assaultrifles beamweapons bossbattles chapterreplay chargers chargingweapons comiccutscenes commercial dark-limited difficulty displacementfiction download elitemobs energyweapons eruptions fallbackweapon flyingislands fnaxna gog grapplinghook grenadelaunchers guidedweapons healthpickups implosionweapons independentaim indie interactivetriggers isolatedlocale jumping jumppack jumppads knockback lamp license-proprietary lives missionreset mode-survival mode-timed mode-undefined mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-dm nofalldamage nonlinear objectiveindicator parallaxscrolling powerups pressureplates repulsion rockets ropeswinging score screenstaining secrets shotguns silent singularitydevices sizeispower spawners splatter steampowered steamworks stranded title-animated ubuntu unhinderedfoes uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking wallclinging walljumping weaponkickback x360pad Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Capsized IndiePub (Alientrap Games)2011 achievements achievements-public alienanimals alienplanet aliens alternateattack assaultrifles beamweapons bossbattles chapterreplay chargers chargingweapons comiccutscenes commercial dark-limited difficulty displacementfiction download elitemobs energyweapons eruptions fallbackweapon flyingislands fnaxna gog grapplinghook grenadelaunchers guidedweapons healthpickups implosionweapons independentaim indie interactivetriggers isolatedlocale jumping jumppack jumppads knockback lamp license-proprietary lives missionreset mode-survival mode-timed mode-undefined mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-dm nofalldamage nonlinear objectiveindicator parallaxscrolling powerups pressureplates repulsion rockets ropeswinging score screenstaining secrets shotguns silent singularitydevices sizeispower spawners splatter steampowered steamworks stranded title-animated ubuntu unhinderedfoes uvl-steamcoveragecheck walking wallclinging walljumping weaponkickback x360pad Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Cargo – The Quest for Gravity bitComposer Games;Viva Media (Ice-pick Lodge)2011 achievements achievements-public aeroplane aerostat amphibiousvehicle archipelago blankprotagonist capacity-unlimited deathless designing-freeform directx9 driving earth engineerprotagonist femaleprotagonist havokphysics helicopter island jumping mode-sandbox modularvehicles motorboat multienvcraft music-custom nofalldamage nudity nudity-featureless opensolutions openworld physics postapocalypse propellerplane quake raft rating-esrb-t resourceharvesting robots rotorcraft screenshake selfcensorship shadermodel2 shapematters shopping steampowered steamworks submarine summery swimming systemsdriven tangibleabstracts theora titlementioned undefinedelements underwater underwaterfacility vehicledesigning vehicleflip vehicleselectinplay vorbis walking watercraft wheeledvehicle wintery winvista winxp The Gods haven’t looked too kindly on humanity and Earth, as we know it, has been reduced to a group of island archipelagos, populated by "BUDDIES" – pint-sized creatures, unbound by gravity’s forces and free to float and frolic at their own whim and leisure.

The Gods have given the BUDDIES free reign over these colorful islands for their own willy-nilly, topsy turvy pleasure. But, there is a way to stop them ....FUN is the secret ingredient that will ground the BUDDIES and return gravity to Earth.

As one of Earth’s last human survivors, it’s up to you to dish out a healthy dose of amusement to restore order on Earth.

Do you have what it takes to outwit the BUDDIES and win back the favor of the Gods?

Key Features:
* Packed with unique and innovative physics-driven gameplay that offers multiple solutions to each mission; not to mention an unlimited sandbox mode!
* Explore a wide variety landscapes and locations including flying islands, large underwater environments, and numerous interiors. Changing seasons offer a dynamic effect on gameplay.
* Loads of different parts & components that can be assembled to create crazy yet functional vehicles
* Use your own music to create a personalized game soundtrack
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