showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
Darkwood Acid Wizard Studio2017A new perspective on survival horror. Scavenge and explore a rich, ever-changing free-roam world by day, then hunker down in your hideout and pray for the morning light.***
[12]***2014-07-24 Steam Early Access started.
2017-07-17 Final release***[media=youtube]Ojd5CUZzjvk[/media]
Darkwood Acid Wizard Studio2017Devs say Windows users may 'buy now, pay later' via a torrent download of the full game.

"So we decided to do something about it! If you don't have the money and want to play the game, we have a safe torrent on the Pirate Bay of the latest version of Darkwood (1.0 hotfix 3), completely DRM-free. There's no catch, no added pirate hats for characters or anything like that. We have just one request: if you like Darkwood and want us to continue making games, consider buying it in the future, maybe on a sale, through Steam, GOG or Humble Store. But please, please, don't buy it through any key reselling site. By doing that, you're just feeding the cancer that is leeching off this industry."
Darkwood Acid Wizard Studio2017 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize