showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO1999 1life actionadventure adv-static ardon-mm aspectratio-4-3 blocking bludgeons capacity-slots castle cdrom chosenone controlconfig difficulty direct3d directx6 display-640x480 drm dwarves elementals energyregen forest gog hackandslash healingitems insectoids interlinkedlevels inventory jumping limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mightandmagic milessound militantprotagonist mine nogps obsoletedassets ogres potions premadeprotagonist rating-esrb-t rewardingvandalism safedisc sciencefantasy shadowmaps shields skeletons sorcery subterranean swords swrender tutorial undead unknownpast uvl-imagequality uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist weefolk win95 Windowslabelimageminimize
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO2000 actionadventure adv-static ardon-mm blocking bludgeons capacity-slots castle chosenone difficulty dwarves elementals energyregen forest hackandslash healingitems insectoids interlinkedlevels inventory jumping limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mightandmagic militantprotagonist mine nogps obsoletedassets ogres potions premadeprotagonist reduced rewardingvandalism sciencefantasy shadowmaps shields skeletons sorcery subterranean swords tutorial undead walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist weefolk PSlabelimagesubject
Might and Magic: Warriors of Might and Magic 3DO (Climax)2000 ardon-mm consoleclassix magic meleeweapons mightandmagic saveram skeletons subterranean GBClabelimageminimize
Shifters  3DO2002 ardon-mm magic mightandmagic monsters rating-esrb-t shapeshifters shapeshifting PS2labelimagesubject
Warriors of Might and Magic 3DO2001 ardon-mm dragons magic meleeweapons mightandmagic orcs PS2labelimagesubject
Warriors of Might and Magic 3DO2000 ardon-mm insectoids magic meleeweapons mightandmagic skeletons subterranean PSlabelimagesubject