showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Atomic Tanks  author2003 68k allegro alpha armcpu armel armhf artillery artillerygame avr32 cpplanguage deb debian gentoo hppa hurd klik license-gpl mips mipsel ppc ppcspe rpm s390 scrollingshooter sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 ubuntu x86 x86-64 2003 – version 1.0 released, alpha/beta versions might've been released to the public prior to this.
2007 – version 2.0 released.
Orbit  author1999 68k alpha armcpu armel avr32 deb debian hppa klik mips mipsel opengl physics ppc rpm s390 sparc ubuntu uvl-confusable x86 x86-64 Orbit is a 3D space combat simulator. It features realistic Newtonian physics
and actual images of the planets. In Orbit, you can fly your space ship to
explore the planets and moons of the solar system, or if you're feeling like
some action, you can hunt down and destroy alien invaders.***Explore the solar system. The environment based on actual photographs, data, and physics. But also provided is a Sci-Fi powered spacecraft complete with Sci-Fi torpedoes to battle alien invaders.
Orbit  author1999 68k alpha armcpu armel avr32 hppa kfreebsd mips mipsel opengl physics ppc s390 sparc uvl-confusable x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond  New Breed Software;SuperTux Dev Team (SuperTux Dev Team)2003 68k alpha archlinux armcpu armel armhf avr32 debian fedora hppa hurd klik linux-mascots mandriva mips mipsel oss penguin ppc ppcspe redhat s390 sdl sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 suse ubuntu uvl-descriptionincomplete uvl-searchelp x11 x86 x86-64 Penny's been kidnapped by Nolox. Help Tux reach his hidden fortress and rescure Penny.
A simple jump-n-run platformer. Otherwise a Mario Bros clone. Grab snowballs to power-up larger, again to through bouncing snowballs. Stomp enemies, or snowball them. Reach the end of the level.

SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond was released as a complete game at some point before 2008.

For any X. Requires SDL and SDL Image. SDL_Mixer needed for sound.
SuperTux: Revenge in Redmond  New Breed Software;SuperTux Dev Team (SuperTux Dev Team)2003 68k alpha armcpu armel armhf avr32 hppa kfreebsd linux-mascots mips mipsel penguin ppc ppcspe s390 sdl sh4 sparc sparc-64 uvl-descriptionincomplete uvl-searchelp x11 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Trackballs author2003 68k alpha altlinux armcpu armel armhf avr32 deb debian fedora gentoo hppa hurd klik leveleditor license-gpl mandriva mips mipsel opengl ppc ppcspe redhat rpm s390 sdl sh4 slackware sparc sparc-64 suse ubuntu x86 x86-64 [media=youtube]n1OSeSMtVW4[/media]***A [game=Marble Madness]Marble Madness[/game] clone. Race your marble to the goal across the grided non-flat surfaces while avoiding enemies, obstacles, and long drops. Try not to run out of time.
Trackballs author2003 68k alpha armcpu armel armhf avr32 hppa kfreebsd leveleditor license-gpl mips mipsel opengl ppc ppcspe s390 sdl sh4 sparc sparc-64 x86 x86-64 BSDlabelminimizeminimize