showing 2 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplayer optsdescriptionplatform
Omega Race CBS Electronics1983single player Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Thrust  Hozer Video Games;XYPE2000single playerA brilliantly gripping arcade game requiring precision dexterity and a cool, calculating mind. Can you beat it?***The original uses the joystick controller. Thrust+ adds a BoosterGrip control option. If you don't have a BoosterGrip, you could use a Colecovision controller instead. Thrust+ DC added an option for the Driving Controller and also the Foot Pedal Controller and thus much needed analog control. Thrust+ Special Edition added options so owners can enter the Thrust Plus Contest. Thrust+ Platinum added some of most advanced Music ever heard on the VCS.
Atari 2600labelimagesubject