showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearauthor(s)platform
Captain America and the Avengers Data East1991 Arcadelabelimageminimize
Captain America and The Avengers Data East;Marvel;The Software Toolworks (Data East)1993 SNESlabelimageminimize
Captain America and the Avengers Data East1991 NESlabelimagesubject
Captain America and the Avengers Mindscape (Realtime Associates)1993 Game Gearlabelimageminimize
Captain America and The Avengers  Data East (ISCO)1992 Mega Drivelabelimagesubject
Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann U.S. Gold1988 ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann  U.S. Gold1988 Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann  U.S. Gold1988 Atari STlabelimageminimize
Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann  Go!1987Anthony Lees (music)
Stefan Ufnowski (coder)
Captain America: Super Soldier Sega (Next Level Games)2011 PS3labelimageminimize
Captain America: Super Soldier Sega (Next Level Games)2011 X360labelimageminimize
Marvel: Avengers Alliance  Playdom2012 Flashlabelimageminimize
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Paragon Software;Empire1989 Amigalabelimagesubject
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Empire1989 C64labelimagesubject
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Paragon Software;Empire (Designer Software)1989 Atari STlabelimagesubject
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Empire (Bedrock Software)1990 Amstrad CPClabelimagesubject
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Empire (Bedrock Software)1990 ZX Spectrumlabelimagesubject
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! Paragon Software;Empire1989 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject