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namepublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform arrow_downward
Civilization  Microprose (MPS Labs)1992High in the Andes, a biting wind howls through the Incas' ruined strongholds. Half a world away, the Pharaohs' tombs lie empty. In Italy, the Roman Colosseum decays. Everywhere, you see remnants of societies that thought they would endure forever. All are dust. But yours could be different. You could be the one person in history who builds an empire that never falls.

That's the challenge of Civilization, the most enthralling "god game" yet developed. From the creator of Railroad Tycoon —the SPA's 1990 Strategy Game of the Year — Civilization lets you match wits with history's greatest leaders.

You start at the dawn of recorded history—4000 B.C. and the founding of the first cities—then nurture your society toward the Space Age. In the beginning, you'll labor to simply survive while building your settlements, discovering new technologies and fending off barbarians.

As your empire prospers, you'll face competing civilizations guided by history's most legendary figures: Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Julius Caesar and more. Now you'll test your capacity for expansion and domination, your ability to outwit and outmaneuver those cunning and brilliant leaders.

Just look how Civilization lets you build a brave new world.

* Discover New Technologies. You dictate how your civilization grows by controlling the technologies it discovers — mastery of one technology provides the opportunity to learn new ones. Over 70 of mankind's greatest technical achievements are available, including The Wheel, The Alphabet, Mapmaking, Navigation and even Nuclear Weapons.
* Build Wonders Of The World. Earn the respect of your people—and the envy of the world—as you construct the Pyramids, the Great Wall and other wonders of antiquity, the Middle Ages or the modern era. Each Wonder you build brings special benefits to your society.
* Determine The Fate Of Your People. Every crucial economic, political and military decision is yours—and yours alone. From population growth to industrial policy, scientific development to military power, the destiny of your civilization is in your hands.
* Choose From Flexible Starting Options. So players of all levels can have fun and be challenged, you select from five difficulty settings, while playing on Earth or on a new planet generated for each game.
* Enjoy The Easy To Use Interface. The point-and-click, icon-based interface makes it easy to gather information, make decisions. Virtually any game-related question or concern is addressed in the on-line "civilopedia."

Will archaeologists yet unborn puzzle over the decline and fall of the culture you build? Or will your culture be the one that finally achieves earthly immortality?

You'll find the answer only in Civilization.***
[97]***Reviewed on a special folder about "god games".
[37]***Just one more turn....
Just one more turn....
Just one more turn....
Civilization  Microprose (MPS Labs)1994High in the Andes, a biting wind howls through the Incas' ruined strongholds. Half a world away, the Pharaohs' tombs lie empty. In Italy, the Roman Colosseum decays. Everywhere, you see remnants of societies that thought they would endure forever. All are dust. But yours could be different. You could be the one person in history who builds an empire that never falls.

That's the challenge of Civilization, the most enthralling "god game" yet developed. From the creator of Railroad Tycoon —the SPA's 1990 Strategy Game of the Year — Civilization lets you match wits with history's greatest leaders.

You start at the dawn of recorded history—4000 B.C. and the founding of the first cities—then nurture your society toward the Space Age. In the beginning, you'll labor to simply survive while building your settlements, discovering new technologies and fending off barbarians.

As your empire prospers, you'll face competing civilizations guided by history's most legendary figures: Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Julius Caesar and more. Now you'll test your capacity for expansion and domination, your ability to outwit and outmaneuver those cunning and brilliant leaders.

Just look how Civilization lets you build a brave new world.

* Discover New Technologies. You dictate how your civilization grows by controlling the technologies it discovers — mastery of one technology provides the opportunity to learn new ones. Over 70 of mankind's greatest technical achievements are available, including The Wheel, The Alphabet, Mapmaking, Navigation and even Nuclear Weapons.
* Build Wonders Of The World. Earn the respect of your people—and the envy of the world—as you construct the Pyramids, the Great Wall and other wonders of antiquity, the Middle Ages or the modern era. Each Wonder you build brings special benefits to your society.
* Determine The Fate Of Your People. Every crucial economic, political and military decision is yours—and yours alone. From population growth to industrial policy, scientific development to military power, the destiny of your civilization is in your hands.
* Choose From Flexible Starting Options. So players of all levels can have fun and be challenged, you select from five difficulty settings, while playing on Earth or on a new planet generated for each game.
* Enjoy The Easy To Use Interface. The point-and-click, icon-based interface makes it easy to gather information, make decisions. Virtually any game-related question or concern is addressed in the on-line "civilopedia."

Will archaeologists yet unborn puzzle over the decline and fall of the culture you build? Or will your culture be the one that finally achieves earthly immortality?

You'll find the answer only in Civilization.***
[37]***Classic Empire-building game with 256 color graphics
Amiga AGAlabelimagesubject
Civilization Asmik1996Become one of the great leaders of history in Civilization II. You'll lead a race of people from the Stone Age, all the way through to space flight. Along the way you'll need to form pacts, as well as wage war against neighboring countries. You'll need to manage economic, agricultural, domestic and military affairs of your country as you attempt to expand your borders.
Civilization II  Activision;Human (Microprose)1998 PSlabelimageminimize
Civilization: Shin Sekai Nadaibunmei  Asmik Ace Entertainment (Microprose)1997 Saturnlabelimageminimize
Civilization Asmik;Microprose1994The 5 difficulty settings consist of 5 mixed and matched options of money to start with ($300 to $0), scientific advancements to start with (), settler units to start with (1 or 2), quality and frequency of tutorial advice, barbarian strength (barbarians are rogue forces that can basically only be killed or bribed), rate of scientific advancement, happiness of citizens, riot threshold, duration of revolutions, maintenance and initial cost of buildings, deadliness and frequency of disasters and plagues, number of wonders enemies get to start and/or receive at random and how fast they can develop them (might seem like cheating AI since they are 'gifted' wonders and/or can build them faster than the player, but there are lesser-known means for the player to perform these same feats), how quickly technology becomes obsolete (on Emperor, the hardest level, a phalanx might defeat barbarian leader unit at the beginning of the game but can't defeat the same barbarian unit the moment knights have been invented even if you haven't started training a Knight unit yet). At Emperor level, a player must know and perform successfully and consistently, a wide variety of tactics that will not be mentioned by tutorial or in-game help.
There are two confirmed ways to change difficulty aspects and one additional possibility.
The common difficulty aspects are choosing 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 opponents. They all have to deal with each other and the player. With 7 opponents, civilizations can/will gain rapid advancement as all are parties are working on science simultaneously whilst trading, stealing and conquering each other. The player is pretty much required to enter the fray immediately and stay continually engaged just to keep up or they may find themselves sitting on the bottom of the tech tree for the later battles. Civilizations are wiped out at a steady rate until 2 or 3 super powers are left. On the other end of things, starting with 3 civilizations can leave all parties alone to advance undisturbed for much of the game. Later meetings might be between advanced super powers or a huge tech discrepancy between them (you might discover it is hopeless only very late in the game). Difficulty level cannot really be assigned based on the number of civilizations as there are advantages and disadvantaged to having more or fewer. But in general, having more civilizations is more forgiving to a new player (or at least then know sooner if they cannot win the game, or they die faster); while starting with fewer civilizations allows a knowledgeable player to follow a long term plan without early interference.
The other way to change difficulty aspects is to start a game in "Customize world" mode. The player can adjust the amount of dry land, temperature (warmer creates more zones of developable land), climate (wetter creates higher quality developable land in each zone), Age (older creates more hills and mountains that can be mined but not farmed)
The last possibility to alter difficulty aspects is by exploiting differences that the AI may or may not impose of the different nationalities available to choose from. Many players insist that the various nationalities have unique behaviors. The game programmers say they did not create differences. However, Civilization as a computer game has an unusually high number of variables. This is an almost unheard of level of variables for console game (SNES); there might be some [url=]emergent behavior[/url] occurring that means behaviors unique to each nationality are [i]more likely[/i] to occur. What is even more likely ([i]I[/i] think), is that players start to see things that look like unique behaviors and alter their own strategies because of it (nationalities [i]do[/i] act uniquely because players [i]treat[/i] them uniquely). Players share their 'Russians demand more tribute' theory with another player who then decides to avoid situations where Russians will demand tribute form them and the AI increases tribute variables for the avoided nationality. One especially important aspect to unique AI behavior is the fact that not only does the AI adjust tactics based on player actions, but also the fact that the machine code of the game is designed so that [b]randomness is seeded by player behavior[/b]. This can be confirmed by playing a saved state using an emulator. A battle almost certainly (but not guaranteed) fated to be lost by a mismatch of units (ie: rookie phalanx vs veteran musketeers) can be won simply be doing different things before the battle. Repeat the same action 1000 time and never win the battle. But find a combinations of actions that wins once (ie: when on the phalanx unit, switch to a certain frigate, move one space forward, switch back to the phalanx and fight) then try the 'once won' strategy 1000 times. The 'once won' strategy results in many wins. Well, bottom line is this: Decided which nationality is the worst enemy to have (or worst tactic to face, and a certain nationality uses it frequently) and play as that nationality so you don't have to deal with that particular AI behavior. *It doesn't matter if it is tactics, seeding, emergent behavior, or some interplay of them, playing as the 'worst enemy nation' will make the game easier.

Here's an interesting insight into the mind of Sid Meier. The SETI Program ([b]S[/b]earch for [b]E[/b]xtra [b]T[/b]errestrial [b]I[/b]ntelligence) never results in finding aliens in the game but continually advances science by %50 under a Democratic regime. While a real Democratic regime is the only government system where people could vote not to "waste money on a failed project". But before delving too deep into that well, remember that Sid Meier's SETI Program continually advances science forever, is never made obsolete, and has a maintenance cost of $0.
Civilization  Microprose1993 Atari STlabelimageminimize
Civilization  Microprose1993 Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Civilization  Microprose1991 Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Civilization II  Mac Play1997 Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Civilization: Call to Power  MacSoft1999 Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Civilization  Microprose1991High in the Andes, a biting wind howls through the Incas' ruined strongholds. Half a word away, the Pharaohs' tombs lie empty. In Italy, the Roman Colosseum decays. Everywhere, you see remnants of societies that thought they would endure forever. All are dust. But yours could be different. You could be the one perso in history who builds an empire that never falls.

That's the challenge of [i]Civilization[/i], the most enthralling "god game" yet developed. From the creator of [i]Railroad Tycoon[/i] - the SPA's 1990 Stategy Game of the Year - [i]Civilization[/i] lets you match wits with history's greatest leaders.

You start at the dawn of recorded history - 4,000 B.C. and the founding of the first cities - then nurture your society toward the Space Age. In the beginning, you'll labor to simply survive while building your settlements, discovering new technologies and fending off barabarians.

As your empire prospers, you'll face competing civilizations guided by history's most legendary figures: Alexandre the Great, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar and more. Now you'll test your capacity for expansion and domination, your ability to outwit and outmaneuver those cunning and brilliant leaders.

Just look how [i]Civilization[/i] lets you build a brave new world.***Reviewed on a special folder about "god games".
Civ II: Fantastic Worlds MicroProse1997 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization II  MicroProse1996 Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization II Multiplayer  MicroProse1998 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization II Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization MicroProse1996 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization II: Test of Time  Hasbro Interactive (Microprose)1999No involvement by Sid Meier, which is why it's also missing from the title. Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization III  Atari (Firaxis Games)2001 Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization III: Conquests  Atari (Firaxis Games)2003 Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization III: Play the World  Infogrames (Firaxis Games)2002 Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization IV  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2005Civilization IV comes to life like never before in a beautifully detailed, living 3D world that elevates the gameplay experience to a whole new level. Heralded as one of the top ten games of 2005, Civilization IV is a must-have for gamers around the globe.

-Faster-Paced Fun – Gameplay has been streamlined for a tighter, faster, and more compelling experience.
-Greater Accessibility and Ease of Play – An easy-to-use interface will be immediately familiar to RTS and action game players, and newcomers to the series will be able to jump in and play.
-Tech Tree – Flexible Tech tree allows players more strategic choices for developing their civilizations along unique paths.
-More Civs, Units, and Improvements to enhance and grow your empire.

-Multiplayer – LAN, Internet, PBEM, and Persistent Turn-Based Server (PTBS) offer players all-new strategies and ways to play when competing or cooperating with live opponents.
-Team Play - Whether playing multiplayer or single player, team play offers a new way of setting locked alliances that result in shared wonder effects, visibility, unit trading, and shared territory that delivers a plethora of new strategic and tactical options.
-Civ IV comes to life! - Beautiful 3D world with dozens of fully animated units (including culturally unique units), and totally customizable armies. Cities and wonders will appear on the map. Wonder movies are back!
-Mods and Community Tools - Designed from the ground up for modability, the game contains a powerful map editor with XML and Python support.
-Choose Your Leader – Most Civs now have 2 leaders from which to choose, with each Leader having traits that provide various bonuses to the player.

-Civics – With the discovery of new techs, civic options can become available. Freedom of speech or slavery? Hereditary rule or open elections? This creates endless government choices and possibilities!
-Religion – Now there are 7 religions in the game that are unlocked through researching. When unlocked, the religion spreads through a player’s empire allowing them to use the religion to help manage happiness, gain gold and create Great Prophets.
-Great People - As the player uses specialists they gain Great People points in the city that is utilizing the specialists. Great People include the Artist, Tycoon, Prophet, Engineer, & Scientist. They can be used to get free techs, start Golden Ages, or join a city to increase its output.
-Promotions – Each unit has a promotion path that emphasizes specific unit traits. Promotions include bonuses to Attack/Defend on specific terrains/features, movement bonuses, sight/visibility bonuses, and increased withdrawal chances.
-In-Game Movies – Civ IV will have over 70 in-game movies.***
[12]***If the idea of good game is to have inconsistent controls for the same action in different situations (right click works to remove all other items from build queue except the last, which you can only remove by the minus key in keyboard, not the numpad minus mind you... delete would've made more sense and it's actually more commonly used in [i]other[/i] games) and forcing the player to choose an action from "help" dialog instead of ignoring it (I suggest you disable the advisor pop-ups which are on by default, since you [i]must[/i] take the advice), then Civ4 is truly master of it. I can't imagine what drove them to so brilliantly disregard simple user friendliness. Mostly it works well, though, at least if you can ignore the problems it has. For me, these are aggravating shortcomings in the simplest things a game of this kind can have are too much. Unfortunately they're present in the final patch and Warlords/BtS expansions as well, so maybe I'm alone in this grievance for surely it would've been fixed otherwise.***Has been released on both 2 CDs and 1 DVD at some point.
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword  2K Games;Valve (Firaxis Games)2007Sid Meier's Civilization IV : Beyond the Sword is the second expansion pack for Civilization IV - the 2005 PC Game of the Year that has become a worldwide hit. The expansion focuses on the time periods after the invention of gunpowder and delivers 11 unique and challenging scenarios created by the development team at Firaxis as well as esteemed members of the Civ Community. Civ IV: Beyond the Sword also includes ten new civilizations, sixteen new leaders, five new wonders, and a variety of new units that offer even more fun and exciting ways for players to expand their civilization's power as they strive for world domination.

* Expanded Epic Game: Adds a massive increase of new units, buildings, and technologies to the epic game with a tremendous amount of effort focused on the late game.
* New Game Scenarios: 11 new scenarios custom-designed by the team at Firaxis and some members of the Civ Fan Community.
* New Civilizations: 10 new civilizations, such as Portugal, Babylonians, and Netherlands and their associated unique units and buildings.
* More Civilization Leaders: Sixteen new leaders, both for the new civilizations as well as additional leaders for existing civilizations, including Hammurabi of the Babylonians, Abraham Lincoln of the United States, and Sitting Bull of the Native Americans.
* Corporations: A new game feature similar to religion allows players to found companies and spread them throughout the world. Each corporation provides benefits in exchange for certain resources.
* Espionage: Now available earlier in the game, this feature offers players many new ways to spy on opponents, stir citizen unrest and defend government secrets.
* Events: New random events - such as natural disasters and pleas for help or demands from their citizens - challenge players with obstacles that must be overcome for their civilization to prosper.
* New Wonders: Five new wonders await discovery, including the Statue of Zeus, Cristo Redentor, the Shwedagon Paya, and the Mausoleum of Maussollos.
* Expanded Space Victory: Winning the race to Alpha Centauri will now require more strategic planning and tactical decision making.
* Apostolic Palace: The United Nations is available earlier in the game, providing a way to win a diplomatic victory earlier. In addition, new resolutions expand the available diplomatic options.
* Advanced Starts: A major fan request, this new feature enables players to "buy" components of a custom-tailored empire and begin play in the later part of the game, allowing one to experience many of the new features of the expansion in a shorter amount of time.
* Advanced AI: The greatly-enhanced AI now relies more on smart play and less on handicap bonuses to remain competitive, providing a more consistent challenge throughout the course of the game, both economically and militarily. The ways in which the AI attempt to achieve victory have also been expanded.
[Valve Corporation]
Civilization IV: Colonization  2K Games (Firaxis Games)20082008-09-23 as boxed and on Steam***Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization is the third offering in the award winning Civilization IV series. A re-imagining of the classic Colonization game Sid Meier created in 1994, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization is a total conversion of the Civilization IV engine into a game experience in which players will lead a European nation on their quest to colonize and thrive in the New World. Players will be challenged to guide their people from the oppressive motherland, discover a New World, negotiate, trade and fight as they acquire great power and battle for their freedom and independence.

* [b]Classic Game Design Rebuilt for the Modern Era:[/b] Usher forth a new generation of Sid Meier's Colonization gameplay built on the award-winning Civilization IV engine, providing the beautiful visuals, famously addictive gameplay and endless fun that are synonymous with Sid Meier strategy games.
* [b]Fight the Homeland and Establish a New Nation:[/b] Play as the English, Spanish, French or the Dutch and journey to a brave new world in search of freedom from your oppressive homeland.
* [b]Improved Diplomacy:[/b] Sustain peace and support your followers as you engage in advanced negotiations with natives, other colonists and the hostile homeland - Trade resources, gold and land as you build the foundation for a self-sufficient and powerful colony.
* [b]Historical Figures Provide Adaptive Gameplay:[/b] Acquire founding fathers such as John Smith, Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams who will help guide your nation to freedom based on your gameplay style.
* [b]Brand New Interface:[/b] Both Civilization IV fans and players new to the series will feel right at home with an interface that Firaxis has built to be accessible and easy to navigate.
* [b]Multiplayer Offers Endless Replay Value:[/b] Compete with friends from all over the world via the Internet and Play by Email modes or compete locally via the Hotseat and LAN modes, offering endless ways to conquer the New World.
* [b]Mods & Community Tools:[/b] Players will have limitless options for modifying the game to suit their needs. Firaxis will ship the game with modding tools including a map editor using XML and Python.
* Windows 2000, XP or Vista
* 1.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 900 MB HD space

* 1.8 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
Civilization IV: Warlords  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2006 Windowslabelimageminimize
Civilization V - Gods and Kings  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2012EAN-13: [code]5 026555 059268[/code]***Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings is the first expansion pack for Civilization V - the critically acclaimed 2010 PC Game of the Year. This robust expansion covers the entire scope of time from founding your first Pantheon of the Gods and spreading religion across the world, to deploying your spies in enemy cities in order to steal information and technology.

As you move through the ages, you’ll interact with new types of city-states, engage in new city-state quests and global competitions, and master exciting new systems for land and naval combat. Civilization V: Gods and Kings will also include nine new civilizations, nine new wonders, three original scenarios, and dozens of new units, buildings, and techs that will offer even more ways for players to expand their empire and dominate the world.

[b]Key Features:[/b]
* [b]Expanded Epic Game:[/b] The core game experience has been greatly expanded with the addition of new technologies (like Combined Arms), 27 new units (like the new 1-hex ranged unit Machine Gunner), 13 new buildings (like the Bomb Shelter), and 9 new Wonders (see below). Additionally, there are even more new units and buildings included in the three new Scenarios for modders to use.
* [b]New Civilizations:[/b] The expansion will deliver 9 new civilizations, such as Carthage, Netherlands, the Celts, and the Maya (it is 2012, after all), along with their unique traits, units and buildings. The expansion also includes 9 new leaders including William I, Prince of Orange, Boudicca and Pacal the Great.
* [b]Religion:[/b] A righteous people will seek out Faith to found a Pantheon of the Gods. As your Faith becomes stronger, you can cultivate Great Prophets who build on these simple beliefs to create a religion that you can customize and enhance as desired. Are you tolerant of other religions or is this the one true faith? Are you focused on Gold, Arts or Military? Beliefs can even unlock custom buildings that only people of your religion can construct. Great prophets, missionaries and inquisitors help you spread your beliefs to other lands and gain the alliances of City States, and like-minded civilizations.
* [b]Enhanced Diplomacy and Espionage:[/b] Establish embassies at foreign courts for closer ties (or clandestine operations). As the religions of the world start settling in, and the world moves into the Renaissance, you unlock your first spy (with more to come). Send them out to establish surveillance of foreign cities, steal advanced technologies from your strongest or wisest competitors, or interfere with city-state alliances. All of your actions can have a diplomatic impact if discovered, so always tread carefully.
* [b]City-States:[/b] Two new city-state types have been added (Mercantile and Religious) to bring all new advantages to the table. The city-state quest system has received a complete overhaul to decrease the importance of gold and add a whole range of new quests that further the narrative of the game, as well as make the diplomatic victory a more varied option. Ally with Marrakech to get access to their unique luxury resources! Vatican City and Jerusalem are holy cities that play key roles in the religious struggle.
* [b]World Domination:[/b] The fight for world domination is now more dynamic than ever before. The Gods and Kings expansion features a reworked combat system and AI that puts more emphasis on a balanced army composition. The new system allows your lines to stand longer than they could before, so you, as a player, can make smarter tactical decisions without worrying about a single unlucky roll of the dice.
* [b]Naval Combat:[/b] Your navy is now split into two different ship types, melee and ranged. This means that no coastal city should be considered safe, and can now fall to a surprise naval attack. Additionally, all embarked units now have Defensive Embarkation, and can stack with a naval unit for extra protection. Add to this the new Great Admiral, and the high seas have become a much more dangerous place.
* [b]New Wonders:[/b] There will be 9 new Wonders with all new effects including Neuschwanstein, the Great Mosque of Djenne, the Terracotta Army, the Great Firewall, and the Hubble Space Telescope.
[b]Three new Scenarios:[/b]
* [b]Medieval:[/b] Grow your medieval kingdom into one of the great nations of Renaissance Europe, fending off outside invasions from Mongols and Ottoman Turks and fighting the religious wars of the Crusades and Reformation!
* [b]Fall of Rome:[/b] Play as either Eastern Rome or Western Rome trying to fend off the barbarians OR as one of the barbarians themselves.
* [b]Empires of the Smoky Skies:[/b] Build flying airships and huge tractor-like tanks from the unique tech tree of this Victorian science-fiction scenario, and use them to spread your empire across the pre-industrial world.
Civilization V  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2010In Civilization® V, players strive to become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age, waging war, conducting diplomacy, discovering new technologies, going head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and building the most powerful empire the world has ever known.

[b]Belieavable world[/b]
More than just a strategy game - the expanded visuals and immersive audio invite would - be kings to take up the reigns of power and forge a mighty empire. Civilization V offers a limitless variety of vast, realistic and diverse landscapes for players to explore, battle over and claim as their own.

[b]Inviting presentation[/b]
An intuitive interface eases both new players and Civ veterans into the game. Guided by a set of trusted advisors who will explain game functionality and provide counsel for significant decisions, even first-time players will be confident in the choices they make.

[b]Huge battles[/b]
Combat is more exciting and engaging than ever before. Wars between empires feel massive with armies spreading across the landscape.The addition of ranged bombardment allows players to fire weapons from behind the front lines, challenging players to develop clever new strategies to guarantee victory on the battlefield.

[b]Live history[/b]
Write your own epic story each time you play! Choose one of eighteen historical civilizations to lead from the stone-age to the space age on your quest to build the world’s most powerful empire.

[b]Improved diplomacy[/b]
Negotiate with some of history’s most cunning rulers, each with a well-crafted plan for victory. Successful diplomacy will depend on players carefully managing relationships with other leaders, trading items, plying them with gold, and deciding if they are friend or foe. City States will present a new diplomatic battleground on which the major powers of the world will vie for supremacy.

[b]In-game community hub[/b]
Compete with Civ players from all over the globe via the Internet, offering endless ways to rule the world.

With unprecedented modding tools, players will have a nearly unlimited options for modifying Civilization V any way they like.
Civilization V: Brave New World  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2013Sid Meier's Civilization® V: Brave New World is the second expansion pack for Civilization V - the critically acclaimed 2010 PC Game of the Year. This new expansion provides enhanced depth and replayability through the introduction of international trade and a focus on culture and diplomacy. Your influence around the world will be impacted by creating Great Works, choosing an ideology for your people and proposing global resolutions in the World Congress. As you move through the ages of history you will make critical decisions that will impact your relationship with other civilizations.

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World also introduces nine new civilizations, eight new wonders, two new scenarios, four new gameplay systems and dozens of new units, buildings and improvements offering an expanded variety of ways to build the most powerful empire in the world.

[b]New Culture Victory[/b]: Spread your culture across the globe, dominate all other cultures. Create masterpieces with Great Artists, Writers and Musicians that are placed in key buildings across your empire like Museums, Opera Houses, and even the Great Library. Use Archaeologists to investigate sites of ancient battles and city ruins for priceless cultural artifacts. Become the first civilization with a majority influence in all other civilizations to achieve a Culture Victory, becoming the envy of the world.

[b]New Policies and Ideologies[/b]: Enter the Industrial Age and choose the ideology of your people: Freedom, Order, or Autocracy. Each ideology grants access to increasingly powerful abilities, and serves the different victory conditions in unique ways. The choices you make will impact your relationships with other civilizations for the rest of the game.

[b]World Congress[/b]: The importance of diplomacy is intensified and city-state alliances are more important than ever. Change the diplomatic landscape through a new World Congress that votes on critical issues like implementing trade sanctions against rogue nations, limiting resource usage, designating host cities for the World Games, and the use of nuclear weapons. Game-changing resolutions, vote trading, intrigue and a new lead-in to the Diplomatic Victory ensures that the end of the game will be more dynamic than ever before.

[b]International Trade Routes[/b]: Build your cities into hubs of international trade by land and sea, creating great wealth and prosperity for your people, while also spreading religion, cultural influence, and science. The number of trade routes increases through the advancement of economics and technologies, the creation of wonders, and the unique abilities of your civilization. Will you connect to a closer city for a lower payoff and a safer route, choose a longer route with more risk for the bigger payoff, or perhaps point your trade route inward, sending vitally important food and production to the far corners of your own empire?

[b]New Civilizations, Units and Buildings[/b]: Nine new leaders and civilizations are introduced, including Casimir of Poland, each with their unique traits, units and buildings.

[b]New Wonders[/b]: This expansion set introduces eight new Wonders including the Parthenon, Broadway, the Globe Theater, and the Uffizi.

Two New Scenarios:
- American Civil War: Fight the "War Between the States" from either the Union or Confederate side as you focus on the critical Eastern theatre of operations between the capital cities of Richmond and Washington.
- Scramble for Africa: The great colonial powers of the world are scrambling to explore the Dark Continent and extend their reach into its interior. Search for the great natural wonders of the heart of Africa as you explore a dynamically-generated continent each time you play.
Civilization: Beyond Earth  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2014Un spin-off de la saga Civilization, similar a la últimas entregas (tablero hexagonal y ataques a distancia) pero con un especial énfasis en la exploración, algo que se nota en un entorno mucho más elaborado (misiones, reliquias, alienígenas...) y en la unidad del explorador.

Sufre mucho de tener un ritmo de juego muy lento, incluso para un juego de estrategia global, con progresos y construcciones que tardan decenas de turnos.

7 de 10***Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.

As part of an expedition sent to find a home beyond Earth, you will write the next chapter for humanity as you lead your people into a new frontier and create a new civilization in space. Explore and colonize an alien planet, research new technologies, amass mighty armies, build incredible Wonders and shape the face of your new world. As you embark on your journey you must make critical decisions. From your choice of sponsor and the make-up of your colony, to the ultimate path you choose for your civilization, every decision opens up new possibilities.
[Steam Store]
Civilization: Call to Power  Activision1999No involvement by Sid Meier, which is why it's also missing from the title. Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Sid Meier's Civilization VI  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2016 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Civilization  Microprose Japan1992 NEC PC9801labelimageminimize
Civ II: Fantastic Worlds MicroProse1997 Win3.1labelminimizeminimize
Civilization  Microprose1993 Win3.1labelimageminimize
Civilization for Networks  Microprose1995Slightly enhanced remake of the first Civilization game with multiplayer options. Win3.1labelimageminimize
Civilization II  MicroProse1996 Win3.1labelminimizeminimize
Civilization II Multiplayer  MicroProse1998 Win3.1labelminimizeminimize
Civilization II Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization MicroProse1996 Win3.1labelminimizeminimize
Civilization V - Gods and Kings  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2014 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization V  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2014 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization V: Brave New World  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2014 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization: Beyond Earth  Aspyr Media (Firaxis Games;Aspyr Media)2014Aspyr Media is handling porting of the game to Linux & Mac. Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization: Call to Power  Loki;SuSE;Corel (Loki)1999This is a proprietary and commercial game and the first Linux game ever bought from store shelves with no requirements to buy a different version of the game for another OS. [gameid=#80673]Inner Worlds[/game] precedded it but was hidden in the DOS version of that game. [game=#167810]Doom[/game] came before Inner Worlds but also required buying a different version of Doom and a download of the Linux version.

Corel at one time published a version of this game titled [i]Civilization: Call to Power Limited Edition[/i]. It was exclusive to the CorelLinux distro. However, Loki later took over support for this version. Loki closed in 2002.
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI  Aspyr Media (Feral Interactive)2017 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization Atari (Gryphondale Studios)2006For more than a decade, Civilization has been considered to be the epitome of turn-based strategy gaming. Now you can experience this all time classic for the first time on a handheld, as the franchise is about to colonize the N-Gage game deck! You will face the greatest challenge in the history of humankind: to establish a civilization and lead it to prosperity. Along the way you will match wits with history's greatest rulers, acquire resources, develop economies, respond to crises, and deal with rival civilizations using diplomacy, espionage and all out war. This game requires some serious consideration and strategy, since every choice you make will affect humanity thousands of years into the future. In the end, hopefully, you will be the one left standing.***No involvement by Sid Meier, which is why it's also missing from the title.***Seems like a conversion of the old DOS/Win3.1 Civilization. N-Gagelabelimagesubject
Civilization Revolution  2K Games;CyberFront (Firaxis Games)2008 Nintendo DSlabelimageminimize
Civilization Revolution  2K Games2008 PSPlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization Revolution  2K Games;CyberFront (Firaxis Games)2008 X360labelimageminimize
Civilization Revolution  2K Games;CyberFront (Firaxis Games)2008 PS3labelimageminimize
Civilization Revolution  2K Games (2K Shanghai)2009 iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2K Games (2K Shanghai )2009 iOSlabelminimizeminimize
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