showing 23 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
Angelic Layer  Epoch2001 GBAlabelimageminimize
Animetic Story Game 1: Cardcaptor Sakura  Arika1999Tiny! A new sense story game combining Chibi characters and animation. want! · · Pocket station compatible. You can collect voice data during the game and exchange data. Chatter! ... The same gorgeous voice actors as animation talks all the lines. Everyone loves it ... Kodansha "Nakayoshi" series on a popular occasion! NHK education · BS 2 animation broadcasting.***[media=youtube]Q8QMwp7s5Cc[/media] PSlabelimagesubject
Card Hunter Sakura 2 DK Software2001A fan-made game based on the anime series Card Captor Sakura. Windowslabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura - Sakura Card-hen - Sakura Card to Tomodachi MTO2004 GBAlabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Card Friends MTO2004 GBAlabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Crow Card Magic  Arika2000 PSlabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho! M²TO1999 GBClabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura Card de Mini Game TDK (TDK Mediactive)2003 GBAlabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura to Fushigi na Clow Cards  Bandai (Sims)1999 WonderSwanlabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoe Shougakkou Daiundoukai  Nep21;MTO2000 GBClabelimageminimize
Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo no Video Taisakusen  Sega2000 Dreamcastlabelimageminimize
Chobits - Atashi Dake no Hito  Marvelous Entertainment2002 GBAlabelimageminimize
Magic Knight Rayearth  Working Designs (Sega)1995Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki and Fuu Hououji suddenly find themselves transported to Cefiro, an arcane world in another universe. Summoned by the Guardian Emeraude, the three gorgeous women must save the fragile universe of Cefiro. By using both magic and technomagical abilities and artifacts the Magic Knights, by virtue of being outsiders to the Cefiro realm, may yet be it's salvation.***US version
[32]***Last game to be released for the Saturn in the US.
Magic Knight Rayearth  Sega1994 Game Gearlabelimageminimize
Magic Knight Rayearth 2: Making of Magic Knight  Sega1995 Game Gearlabelimageminimize
Mahou Kishi Rayearth  Tomy (Pandora Box)1995Game description from [[link:]]:

I played this a little when the translation first came out. Now that I have to play it again for this review, I remember why I stopped.

If you people know anything, you'll know that Magic Knight Rayearth is a popular manga/anime series in Japan, and also here, sort of. Most people say it's a bad game, because they all say it's 'too easy' or 'too short.' This is, of course, all coming from people who have never seen the MKR anime or manga. The game follows the manga's plot pretty much from beginning to end (I assume), so seeing the anime/manga isn't exactly a prerequisite. But if you haven't, then it'll just be some short easy RPG for you. The reason I don't like it is that the battles are painfully slow. It just gets annoying after a while, OK?

For those who are wondering, 'Hey, is this anything like the Saturn version of Rayearth?' the answer is, 'No, not in the slightest.' The Saturn version r0x though.

Unofficial English translation available:
Mahou Kishi Rayearth  Tomy1995 GBlabelimageminimize
Mahou Kishi Rayearth 2nd: The Missing Colors  Tomy1995 GBlabelimageminimize
Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura: Eternal Heart  Arika2000The game is designed to be easy to pick up and play, with a variety of features to appeal to a wide range of Sakura fans.

The "Navigation System" provides helpful guidance and tips throughout the game.
The "Mamacon" system allows you to customize your experience to your liking.
The game features over 100 newly drawn event graphics by the original anime staff.
The jacket is also newly drawn by CLAMP, and there are plenty of other bonuses for fans.
Tsubasa Chronicle  Akira (Arika)2005 Nintendo DSlabelimageminimize
Tsubasa Chronicle Vol. 2 Akira (Arika)2006 Nintendo DSlabelimageminimize
TV Animation X - Unmei no Sentaku Bandai2002 PSlabelimageminimize
X Card of Fate  Bandai2002 WonderSwan Colorlabelimageminimize