showing 1 - 50 of 107 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
3D Tic-Tac-Toe  Creative Computing1975[spoiler=SourceCode;Close]1 REM QUBIC - 3 DIMENSIONAL TIC-TAC-TOE
7 IF C$='NO' THEN 20
8 IF C$='YES' THEN 13
10 GOTO 5
20 DIM X(64),L(76),M(76,4),Y(16)
21 FOR I = 1 TO 16
22 READ Y(I)
24 FOR I = 1 TO 76
25 FOR J=1 TO 4
26 READ M(I,J)
35 FOR I=1 TO 64
40 X(I)=0
54 Z=1
66 IF S$='NO' THEN 110
67 IF S$='YES' THEN 70
69 GOTO 55
70 PRINT ' '
85 GOSUB 1800
90 K1=INT(J1/100)
95 J2=(J1-K1*100)
96 K2=INT(J2/10)
97 K3=J1 - K1*100 -K2*10
98 M=16*K1+4*K2+K3-20
99 IF X(M)=0 THEN 109
101 GOTO 70
109 X(M)=1
110 GOSUB 1050
180 CC=1
181 IF CC=4 THEN 400
190 FOR I=1 TO 76
200 IF CC=1 THEN 210
201 IF CC=2 THEN 220
203 IF CC=3 THEN 235
205 NEXT I
206 CC=CC+1
207 GOTO 181
210 IF L(I)<>4 THEN 205
211 REM
215 GOSUB 3000
217 GOTO 500
220 IF L(I)<>15 THEN 205
221 FOR J=1 TO 4
222 M=M(I,J)
223 IF X(M)<>0 THEN 227
224 X(M)=5
226 GOSUB 1000
227 NEXT J
228 REM
231 GOSUB 3000
234 GOTO 500
235 IF L(I)<>3 THEN 205
237 FOR J=1 TO 4
238 M=M(I,J)
239 IF X(M)<>0 THEN 245
240 X(M)=5
241 GOSUB 1000
243 GOTO 70
245 NEXT J
248 GOTO 400
250 FOR I=1 TO 76
251 L(I)=X(M(I,1))+X(M(I,2))+X(M(I,3))+X(M(I,4))
252 L=L(I)
255 IF L<2 THEN 290
260 IF L>=3 THEN 290
265 IF L>2 THEN 1600
270 FOR J = 1 TO 4
275 IF X(M(I,J))<>0 THEN 285
280 X(M(I,J))=1/8
285 NEXT J
290 NEXT I
295 GOSUB 1050
300 FOR I=1 TO 76
305 IF L(I)=1/2 THEN 1700
310 IF L(I)=1+3/8 THEN 1700
315 NEXT I
320 GOTO 1300
360 Z=1
362 IF X(Y(Z))=0 THEN 380
365 Z=Z+1
368 IF Z<>17 THEN 362
375 GOTO 1200
380 M=Y(Z)
381 X(M)=5
389 GOSUB 1000
390 GOTO 70
400 X=X
410 FOR I=1 TO 76
412 L(I)=X(M(I,1))+X(M(I,2))+X(M(I,3))+X(M(I,4))
415 L=L(I)
420 IF L<10 THEN 455
425 IF L>=11 THEN 455
430 IF L>10 THEN 1600
435 FOR J=1 TO 4
440 IF X(M(I,J))<>0 THEN 450
445 X(M(I,J))=1/8
450 NEXT J
455 NEXT I
470 GOSUB 1050
475 FOR I=1 TO 76
480 IF L(I)=.5 THEN 1700
485 IF L(I)=5+3/8 THEN 1700
490 NEXT I
492 GOSUB 1800
493 GOTO 250
500 PRINT ' '
510 INPUT X$
515 IF X$='YES' THEN 35
516 IF X$='NO' THEN 520
518 GOTO 510
520 STOP
1000 K1=INT((M-1)/16)+1
1010 J2=M-16*(K1-1)
1030 K2=INT((J2-1)/4)+1
1035 K3=M-(K1-1)*16-(K2-1)*4
1040 M=K1*100+K2*10+K3
1042 PRINT M
1043 GOSUB 3000
1050 FOR S=1 TO 76
1060 J1=M(S,1)
1070 J2=M(S,2)
1080 J3=M(S,3)
1090 J4=M(S,4)
1100 L(S)=X(J1)+X(J2)+X(J3)+X(J4)
1110 NEXT S
1200 FOR I = 1 TO 64
1210 IF X(I)<>0 THEN 1250
1220 X(I)=5
1225 M=I
1227 GOSUB 1000
1228 PRINT ' '
1230 GOTO 70
1250 NEXT I
1255 GOTO 500
1300 FOR K=1 TO 18
1305 P=0
1310 FOR I=4*K-3 TO 4*K
1315 FOR J=1 TO 4
1320 P=P+X(M(I,J))
1325 NEXT J
1330 NEXT I
1345 IF P<4 THEN 1390
1350 IF P<5 THEN 1400
1355 IF P<9 THEN 1390
1360 IF P<10 THEN 1400
1390 NEXT K
1395 GOSUB 1800
1396 GOTO 360
1400 S=1/8
1405 FOR I=4*K-3 TO 4*K
1410 GOTO 1703
1415 NEXT I
1420 S=0
1425 GOTO 1405
1500 DATA 1,49,52,4,13,61,64,16,22,39,23,38,26,42,27,43
1510 DATA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
1520 DATA 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38
1521 DATA 39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56
1522 DATA 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64
1523 DATA 1,17,33,49,5,21,37,53,9,25,41,57,13,29,45,61
1524 DATA 2,18,34,50,6,22,38,54,10,26,42,58,14,30,46,62
1525 DATA 3,19,35,51,7,23,39,55,11,27,43,59,15,31,47,63
1527 DATA 4,20,36,52,8,24,40,56,12,28,44,60,16,32,48,64
1529 DATA 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61
1532 DATA 2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62
1534 DATA 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39,43,47,51,55,59,63
1536 DATA 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64
1538 DATA 1,6,11,16,17,22,27,32,33,38,43,48,49,54,59,64
1540 DATA 13,10,7,4,29,26,23,20,45,42,39,36,61,58,55,52
1542 DATA 1,21,41,61,2,22,42,62,3,23,43,63,4,24,44,64
1544 DATA 49,37,25,13,50,38,26,14,51,39,27,15,52,40,28,16
1546 DATA 1,18,35,52,5,22,39,56,9,26,43,60,13,30,47,64
1548 DATA 49,34,19,4,53,38,23,8,57,42,27,12,61,46,31,16
1550 DATA 1,22,43,64,16,27,38,49,4,23,42,61,13,26,39,52
1600 FOR J=1 TO 4
1605 IF X(M(I,J))<>1/8 THEN 1650
1610 X(M(I,J))=5
1615 IF L(I)<5 THEN 1625
1622 GOTO 1626
1626 M=M(I,J)
1630 GOSUB 1000
1640 GOTO 70
1650 NEXT J
1665 GOTO 500
1700 S=1/8
1703 IF I=INT(I/4)*4>1 THEN 1715
1705 A=1
1710 GOTO 1720
1715 A=2
1720 FOR J=A TO 5-A STEP 5-2*A
1725 IF X(M(I,J))=S THEN 1750
1730 NEXT J
1735 GOTO 1415
1750 X(M(I,J))=5
1755 M=M(I,J)
1770 GOSUB 1000
1780 GOTO 70
1800 FOR I=1 TO 64
1810 IF X(I)<>1/8 THEN 1850
1815 X(I)=0
1850 NEXT I
2000 END
3010 FOR P1=1 TO 4
3020 FOR P2=1 TO 4
3030 FOR P3=1 TO 4
3040 IF X(P3+((P2-1)*16)+((P1-1)*4))<1 THEN PRINT '. ';
3050 IF X(P3+((P2-1)*16)+((P1-1)*4))=1 THEN PRINT 'X ';
3060 IF X(P3+((P2-1)*16)+((P1-1)*4))=5 THEN PRINT 'O ';
3070 NEXT P3
3080 PRINT ' ';
3090 NEXT P2
3100 PRINT ' '
3110 NEXT P1
4000 FOR P4=1 TO 64
4010 PRINT X(P4);
4020 NEXT P4
4040 RETURN[/spoiler]
Altair 8800labelimagesubject
Acey Deucy Creative Computing1975Source (for MAINFRAME BASIC)***This is a simulation of the Acey Ducey card game. In the
game, the dealer (the computer) deals two cards face up.
You have an option to bet or not to bet depending on whether
or not you feel the next card dealt will have a value between
the first two.
Your initial money (Q) is set to $100; you may alter Statement
170 if you want to start with more or less than $100. The
game keeps going on until you lose all your money or interrupt
the program.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Algebra Arcade Wadsworth1983 C64labelminimizeminimize
Amazing Creative Computing1979This program will print out a different maze every time it
is run and guarantees only one path through. You can choose
the dimensions of the maze--i.e. the number of squares wide
and Iong-
Apple II Elabelminimizesubject
Awari The Memory Merchants1975Awari is a digital version of the game Kalah. In the game the player must beat the AI opponent. In turns players can pick up seeds in one of the "houses" in their control. Seeds that are picked up have to be redistributed by placing one in each adjacent house in counter-clockwise fashion. If the final seed falls in the player's scoring house the player is awarded an additional turn. If the final seed falls into an empty house owned by the player, that seed and any seeds in the opposing house are added to the scoring house of the player. The game ends when one player no longer has any seeds in his houses. The player with the most seeds in his scor***I'm not sure it was played on this platform; I suppose that its inclusion in it was made on the basis that it is programmed in BASIC, and BASIC can be run on any computer platform. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bagels Creative Computing1975Bagels is a mastermind game where the player must guess the computer's code. Codes consist of three numbers. After each guess of the player, the computer answers fermi (one digit is at the right position), pico (one digit is in the code but on a different position), or bagels (none of the digits are correct). The goal is to guess the number in as few tries as possible, so players must use the answers to infer the right code. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bagels Creative Computing1981Bagels is a mastermind game where the player must guess the computer's code. Codes consist of three numbers. After each guess of the player, the computer answers fermi (one digit is at the right position), pico (one digit is in the code but on a different position), or bagels (none of the digits are correct). The goal is to guess the number in as few tries as possible, so players must use the answers to infer the right code. Sol-20labelminimizesubject
Basketball Creative Computing1975In many sources it says that it was created in 1978 or 1979, but that is the date of the publication of David Ahl, in 101 Basic Games.***This program simulates a game of basketball between Dartmouth
College and an opponent of your choice. You are the Dartmouth
captain and control the type of shot and defense during the
course of the game.
There are four types of shots: 1. Long Jump Shot (30 ft.),
2. Short Jump Shot (15 ft.), 3. Lay Up, and 4. Set Shot.
Both teams use the same defense, but you may call it: Press (6),
Man-to-man (6.5), Zone (7), or None (7.5). To change defense,
type "0" as your next shot.
Note: The game is biased slightly in favor of Dartmouth. The
average probability of a Dartmouth shot being good is 62.95%
compared to a probability of 61.85% for their opponent.
(This makes the sample run somewhat remarkable in that Cornell
won by a score of 51 to 35. Hooray for the Big Red!)***Source:
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Batnum Creative Computing1975Batnum is a "battle of numbers" against the computer. There is a distinct number of items on a pile and the player and computer take turns removing items. Depending on the choices made at the start of the game whoever picks the first or last item wins the game. The player can also determine the maximum number of items that can be taken in a turn. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Battle Creative Computing (The Lawrence Hall of Science.)1975Battle is an implementation of the pen and paper game Battleship. The computer has set up its fleet of 6 ships of varying sizes randomly in a 6x6 grid and the player must destroy them by giving coordinates. The player receives a splash/hit ratio. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Blackjack Creative Computing1975Blakjack is a fully text-based blackjack game. The player plays against the computer (bank) which adheres to Las Vegas style rules. The goal is to get a total of 21 points of cards (or as close to) without going bust (over 21). Whoever has the highest wins that round. The computer will hit at 16, but stay on 17. Double cards can be split. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Blockade McPheters Wolfe & Jones1977 customlabelminimizeminimize
Bombardment Creative Computing1975Salvo1 is a Battleship variant. The player plays against the computer. Both hide four platoons on a separate 5x5 grid. The player and a computer take turns firing missiles trying to hit the enemy platoons. Whoever kills the enemy platoons first wins the game. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bombs Away Creative Computing (Author)1975Bomber places the player in a World War II bomber for either the Allies, Japan, Italy, or Germany. In this text-based game the player must enter a series of light-hearted multiple choice questions that affect a random generator. The random generator determines if the player hits the target and escapes unharmed. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bowling Creative Computing1975The Alley is a text based bowling game. All the players have to do is type "roll" to roll the ball. The outcome is completely random. The game detects spares, strikes, and gutter balls. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Boxing Creative Computing1975Olympic Boxing simulates a three-round Olympic boxing match in a text-only game. The player plays against the computer and must decide which punch to make. The player can choose between a jab, uppercut, full swing and hook. At the start of the match you must enter your advantage and vulnerability. For the opponent you will only learn his advantage, the vulnerability you need to find out through trial and error. Altair 8800labelimagesubject
Bug Creative Computing1975Bug is a game of chance. The player and computer alternate in rolling a dice. Each number represents a body part of a bug. When that number is thrown the corresponding body part can be drawn, but only if the body part it connects to is already drawn. The first player to draw the bug wins the game. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bullfight Creative Computing (author)1975Bull is a text-based bull fighting game. Each turn the bull's action is described and the player has the option between five different moves, three waves of the cape of various difficulties and two methods of going for the kill. The player will be rated on his bravery, posthumously if necessary. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Bullseye Creative Computing (Author)1975Bullseye is a simple text-based simulation of the perennial pub game of Darts, for up to 20(!) players. The target board is divided into zones of 10, 20, 30 and 40 points, and each player in turn selects a move: fast overarm, controlled overarm, or underarm - the type of throw dictates the probable outcome. Once all throws have been scored, a new round begins, until one or more players win by reaching 200 points. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Checkers Creative Computing (Author)1975BASIC
INTEL 8080***Checkers is a simple implementation of the classic board game in BASIC. The player plays against the computer, moving pieces diagonally and jump over the opponent's pieces to remove them from the game. The rule that lets players do multiple jumps in one turn is omitted.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Chemist Creative Computing1975The fictitious chemical, kryptocyanic acid, can only be diluted
by the ratio of 7 parts water to 3 parts acid. Any other ratio
causes an unstable compound which soon explodes. Given an
amount of acid, yo~ must determine how much water to add for
dilution. If you're more than 5% off, you lose one of your
nine lives. The program continues to play until you lose all
nine lives or until it is interrupted
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Chief Creative Computing1975In the words of the program author, John Graham,
"CHIEF is designed to give
four operations (addition,
division) •
people (mostly kids) practice in the
multiplication, subtraction, and
It does this while giving people some fun. And then, if the
people are wrong, it shows them how they should have done it.
It is mostly a game, but can be used by teachers to test the
kids ...
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Chomp People's Computer Company1975This program is an adaptation of a mathematical game originally
presented in Scientific American, Jan., 1973. Up to a 9x9 grid
is set up by you with the'upper left square a pOison square.
This grid is the cookie. Players alternately chomp away at the
cookie from the lower right. To take a chomp, input a row and
column number of one of the squares remaining on the cookie.
All of the squares below and to the right of that square, in-
cluding that square, disappear.
Any number of· people can play -- the computer is only the
moderator; it is not a player. Two-person strategies are in-
teresting to work out but strategies when three or more people
are playing are a real challenge.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Cube Creative Computing1975Cube is a minefield traversal game. On a 2x2x2 five random mines are hidden. The player must try to go from one corner to the opposite without running into a mine. Before each run the player can make a wager on whether he will make it. The eventual goal is to earn as much money as possible. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Deflection 10010011978 customlabelminimizeminimize
Depth Charge Creative Computing1975DESCRIPTION
In this program, you are captain of the destroyer, USS Digital. An enemy submarine has been causing trouble and your mission is to destroy it. You may select the size of the "cube" of water you wish to search in. The computer then determines how many depth charges you get to destroy the submarine. Each depth charge is exploded by you specifying a trio of numbers; the first two are the surface coordinates, the third is the depth. After each depth charge, your sonar observer will tell you where the explosion was relative to thesubmarine.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Depth Charge Creative Computing1974DESCRIPTION
In this program, you are captain of the destroyer, USS Digital. An enemy submarine has been causing trouble and your mission is to destroy it. You may select the size of the "cube" of water you wish to search in. The computer then determines how many depth charges you get to destroy the submarine. Each depth charge is exploded by you specifying a trio of numbers; the first two are the surface coordinates, the third is the depth. After each depth charge, your sonar observer will tell you where the explosion was relative to thesubmarine.
Digits Creative Computing1975This is a type of mastermind game, but it is inverted. Three times in a row, the player creates a 10-digit ternary number (0,1,2, trits instead 0,1 bits) that the computer attempts to guess in ten tries or less. If the computer less than gets 1/3 correct, the player wins. Exactly 1/3 is a tie. More than 1/3 means the computer wins. (A ternary numeral system makes it very easy to use thirds compared to a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal system) Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Disney's DuckTales: The Quest for Gold Disney Interactive Studios (Incredible Technologies)1990 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Early Games for Young Children Learning Tools;Springboard Software1982Tandy/PCjr Graphics did not exist until 1984, so the game was patched or republished for this. MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Encounter! Objective Design1977 Altair 8800labelminimizeminimize
Even Wins Creative Computing1975Even Wins is a game in which the computer and player take turns picking a number of items from a limited odd-numbered stack. Each turn a participant can take between one and four objects. When all objects are gone, whoever has an even number wins. The computer uses an optimal strategy. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Fisher-Price: Firehouse Rescue GameTek1988 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Flip Flop Creative Computing1975Flip-Flop Game is a puzzle game in which the player needs to change a row of Xs to Os. To do so the player can flip one to the other. To make it difficult, some positions are tied to others and thus will flip two locations at a time. The goal for the player is to get a row of Os in 12 turns or fewer. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Football Creative Computing1975A text-based football game in which the player makes choices for each play. The plays available depend on whether the player is on offensive or defensive. The play made plus random odds will determine the outcome and the new game state. The player can only play against the computer. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Fur Trader Creative Computing1975You are the leader of a French fur trading expedition in 1776
leaving the Ontario area to sell furs and get supplies for the
next year. You have a choice of three forts at which you may
trade. The cost of supplies and the amount you receive for your
furs will depend upon the fort you choose. You also specify
what types of furs that you have to trade.
The game goes on and on until you elect to trade no longer.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Golden Oldies Volume 1: Computer Software Classics The Software Toolworks;Electronic Arts (The Software Toolworks)1985From my understanding the games on this compilation are re-programmed and were not available as stand-alone products outside of this compilation release. So I decided to put up the compilation as the game entry instead of the single games.

The games are version of:
- Adventure
- Eliza
- Conway's Life
- Pong
Gomoko Creative Computing1975BASIC***Gomoko is an adaptation of the board game Gomoku. The player and computer take turns to place markers on a grid. The goal is to get five in a row. This implementation allows board sizes from 7x7 to the traditional 19x19 to accommodate for various screen sizes. The computer does not keep track of who won the game. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Guess Creative Computing1975Guess is a number guessing game. The player determines the upper limit. The computer thinks of a number and the player must guess it. The computer will signal if it's too high or too low. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Gunner Creative Computing (Author)1975BASIC***Gunner is a text-based artillery game. The player is given a target and must try to hit it by giving an angle to fire at. The shot must land in a range of 100 yards to the target to destroy it and the player has five shots. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hammurabi  Creative Computing1975All sources point to it being released in 1975.***This game first appeared in 1969 on a DEC PDP-8, written in FOCAL, an ALGOL derivative, by the language's author, Rick Merrill (taking up 700 mighty bytes!) It gained popularity among the mainframe set after being ported to BASIC (needing to be trimmed down to 400 bytes in the process) and influenced at least one generation of game designers after its source code hit the mainstream in David H. Ahl's 1978 book BASIC Computer Games (aka 101 BASIC Computer Games), published by Creative Computing... seeing it typed feverishly, over and over again, into BASIC-interpreting microcomputers worldwide.

You can see scans of the original BASIC source code publication at or, if you prefer, a raw text conversions of them at

One of the more peculiar ports of this venerable title would be Robb Sherwin's 2002 conversion of it to the Hugo Interactive Fiction language.
Altair 8800labelimagesubject
Hangman Creative Computing1975Hangman is a word-guessing game. The player must try to guess the word that the computer randomly chose, letter by letter. On each incorrect letter the player can opt to draw a picture of his current state. Unlike traditional hangman where the character is slowly built up until hanged, here the character slowly disappears until completely gone. The goal is to guess the full word before it comes to that. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hello Creative Computing1975This is a sample of one of a great number of conversational
programs. In a sense, it is like a CAl program except that
its responses are just good fun. Whenever a computer is ex-
hibited at a convention or conference with people that have
not used a computer before, the conversational programs seem
to get the first activity.
In this particular program, the computer dispenses advice on
various problems such as sex, health, money, or job.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hexapawn Creative Computing1975The game of Hexapawn and a method to learn a strategy for play-
ingthe game was described in "Mathematical Games" in the March
1962 issue of Scientific American. The method described in the
article was for a hypothetical learning machine composed of
match boxes and colored beads. This has been generalized in
the Program HEX.
The program learns by elimination of bad moves. All positions
encountered by the program and acceptable moves from them are
stored in the array P$(I). When the program encounters an. un-
familiar position, the position and all legal moves from it
are added to the list. If the program loses a game, it erases
the move that led to ·defeat. If it hits a position from which
all moves have been deleted (they all led to defeat), it erases
the move that got it there and resigns. Eventually, the program
learns to play extremely well and, indeed, is unbeatable. The
learning strategy could be adopted to other simple games with a
finite nwnber of moves (tic-tac-toe, small board checkers, or
other chess-based games).
For complete playing directions, respond YES or Y to the ques-
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hi-Lo Creative Computing1975***Hi-Lo is a guessing game. There's a amount of money in the jackpot, which is somewhere between 1 and 100. The player gets 6 guesses in which the number must be guessed or the game ends. After each guess the player learns if his guess was high or low. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
High I-Q Creative Computing1975Hi-Q is a peg solitaire game. Pegs are placed on a cross shaped board and the player must try to remove all (except the last one) from the board by jumping over them. Each jumped peg is removed from the board. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hockey Creative Computing1975Released as a type-in program in September 1978 inside BASIC Computer Games - Microcomputer Edition published by Workman Publishing. This book was a major revision of the author's first book published in 1973 by DEC. All programs has been converted to run on Microsoft BASIC.
Be careful, the source is correct in relation to another source,, but the staff indicated in arcade-history is wrong.
Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Horserace Creative Computing1975Horserace is a betting game in which up to 10 players can bet on digital horses which will race the teletype paper to the finish. Players can bet up to 100,000 on 8 horses. Each horse has its own odds which determines the payouts when that horse wins. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
Hurkle Creative Computing1975Hurkle is a simple game in which the player must find the location of a hidden Hurkle on a ten by ten grid. The player must select grid points and the game will tell in which general direction the Hurkle is located (north, east, northeast, etc.). The goal of the game is to find the Hurkle in as few turns as possible. Altair 8800labelminimizesubject
James Bond 007: Goldfinger Mindscape (Angelsoft)1986 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
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